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07 March 2024                  1951
The first scientific and practical conference organized by the Department of "TаTоFP" dedicated to the World Engineering Day

On March 6, 2024, the International University of Engineering and Technology hosted a scientific and practical conference within the framework of the week of Student Science dedicated to the World Engineering Day, organized by the Department of Food Production Engineering and Technology in cooperation with the West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan. The main purpose of the conference: the formation of research skills, the activation of scientific activity of students. 

Rector of the University, Professor Sarsenbekova Gulnar Alibekovna opened the conference with a welcoming speech, continued Marat Kayyrlyuly, Director of the Agrotechnical Institute of the West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan Onaev. Professor Serik Auelbekovich Orazbayev was appointed Chairman of the commission, Professor Abuova Altynai Burkhatovna and associate Professor Bayzakova Zhumakul Seitkadyrovna were appointed members of the commission.

The event was attended by undergraduates and students of 2-4 courses, 23 scientific papers were listened to. By the decision of the members of the commission, student Styrev Gleb Vadimovich, a student of the Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering named after N.I.Vavilov (Saratov, Russia) and Yeraly Diana Galymkyzy, a graduate student of the West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University named after Zhangir Khan, were awarded first degree diplomas for the best scientific work. 4th year student Kamyspayeva Danagul presented a topical topic in English. The reports of the participants were relevant and significant, during the discussion of scientific papers, students showed interest and exchanged views. The conference was held in three languages.

Students of the Educational programs "Technologies and engineering of food production", "Standardization and certification", "Fruit and vegetable growing and agro-soil science", "Technological machines and equipment" have prepared wall newspapers dedicated to the World Engineering Day. The first place of honor for the best wall newspaper was awarded to the team of the Educational Program "Standardization and Certification". The wall newspaper was made under the guidance of lecturer Dzhumabekova Gulzira Shabaevna.