Main Teachers Masenova Alma Tulegenovna

Masenova Alma Tulegenovna

Associate professor
The Department of «Biochemical engineering»

Doctor of Chemical Sciences

Professional experience

From 1974 to the present I have been working at the D.V.Sokolsky Institute of Fuel, Catalysis and Electrochemistry JSC. 1974-1977 postgraduate student. 1974 - 1984 junior researcher, 1985 -1990 senior researcher. 1991-1993. leading researcher. 1994-2021 Head of the Laboratory of Catalytic Synthesis. 2021-present - Chief Researcher.


1969 - 1974 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Chemist. Chemistry teacher.

Scientific interests

Project: "Development of catalysts for the removal of trans isomers and reduction of glycidol content in palm oil in fat-and-oil products by catalytic hydrogenation". Grant financing of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2020-2022


1  L.R. Sassykova, Zh.T. Basheva, M.K. Kalykberdyev, M. Nurakhmetova, A.T. Massenova, K.S. Rakhmetova. The selective catalytic reactions for improvement of characteristics of gasolines// Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 2018, Vol. 50, Issue 1, Р. 82-88. DOI: Nо.1. 2018/BCC-50-1-2018-82-88-4340-Sassykova.pdf.

2 A.T. Massenova, M.K. Kalykberdiyev, A.K. Ussenov, A. Sass, N. Kenzin, E.T. Kanatbayev, A. Baiken. Catalytic technologies for the production of eco-friendly gasolines and reducing the toxicity of vehicle exhaust gases. Oriental Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 35(1), 351-357 (2019). DOI :

3 A.Massenova, M.Kalykberdiyev, A.Sass, N.Kenzin, A.Ussenov, A.Baiken, K.Rakhmetova. Catalytic Technologies for Solving Environmental Problems in the Production of Fuels and Motor Transport in Kazakhstan. // Catalysts, 2020.– Vol.10 (issue 10). 1197. DOI:  10.3390/catal10101197. Квартиль Q2. Процентиль 64%.

4 A.T. Massenova, M.K. Kalykberdiyev, A.S. Sass, N.R. Kenzin, E.T. Kanatbayev, V.P. Tsygankov. Hydrogenation of aromatic hydrocarbons in gasoline fractions over supported catalysts under pressure // Известия НАН РК, серия химии и технологии, №5, (2018), Стр.146-153. DOI: 2518-1491.19  

5 A.T.Massenova, O.A.Frolova, A.Sass, M.K.Kalykberdiyev, N.Kenzin, A.Baiken. Hydrogenation of palm oil on Рt-containing catalysts // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Chemistry and Technology,- 2019. – № 4 - С.66-73. DOI:

6 Massenova A.T., Kalykberdiyev M.K., Sass A.S., Kenzin N.R., Abilmagzhanov A.Z., Baiken A. Сatalytic technology for reducing the content of aromatic hydrocarbons in motor fuels // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series chemistry and technology. - 2019. - Vol.  4. - Р.74-80

7 Massenova A.T., Kalykberdiyev M.K., Sass A.S., Kenzin N.R., Abilmagzhanov A.Z., Kanatbayev E.T., Kassenova  D.S. Catalytic hydrodearomatization of motor fuels as a method of producing eco-friendly fuels // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series chemistry and technology. - 2019. - Vol.  5. – Р. 37-45

Disciplines taught

Processes and apparatus of a bio and chemical technolog

The purpose of the discipline is to form students' ability to apply the basics of hydrodynamics, heat and mass transfer to describe and evaluate bio- and chemical-technological processes. The course provides a theoretical and methodological basis for understanding the processes of hydrodynamics, heat and mass transfer for analysis, calculation of bio-, chemical technological processes. When studying the discipline, the main attention is paid to hydraulics, heat transfer in chemical equipment, physical fundamentals, kinetic laws and hardware design of mass transfer processes in chemical and bio technology.

Basic scientific research and design

The discipline is aimed at forming the main components of scientific potential, the role in providing scientific knowledge of the modern world, the material and technical phase, methods of scientific research and application in solving socio-economic problems of the country, determining the direction of scientific research to solve the technological cycle in production, developing the results of scientific research. The purpose of mastering the discipline is the formation of students' competencies in the organization and planning of scientific work, the acquisition by students of experience in conducting scientific experiments and processing the results of scientific and practical research.

Physicochemical methods of research

The purpose of the discipline is to form the student's theoretical foundations of physical methods of analysis and the ability to characterize practical skills of working on modern analytical equipment. The discipline is aimed at understanding the essence and theoretical foundations of physico-chemical methods of analysis, their applied aspects, the acquisition of skills to work on measuring analytical equipment by future specialists.

Hydrogenation of coal

The purpose of the discipline is to study and develop technological schemes for processing coal into fuel and chemical products using the hydrogenation method, teaching new approaches to the use of thermal dissolution (refining hydrogenation) to obtain liquid products from solid combustible minerals: coal, oil shale, etc.

Timetable of classes

Понедельник Вторник Среда Четверг Пятница Суббота
Основы научных исследований и проектирования, Лекции
(онлайн занятие)
Процессы и аппараты био и химической технологии, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 115 (Т))
Основы научных исследований и проектирования, Лекции
(онлайн занятие)
Процессы и аппараты био и химической технологии, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 115 (Т))
Процессы и аппараты био и химической технологии, Практики
(Учебный корпус №2, 115 (Т))
Физико–химические методы исследования материалов, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 302 (И))
Гидрогенизация угля, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 113 (Б))
Физико–химические методы исследования материалов, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 302 (И))
Гидрогенизация угля, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 113 (Б))
Физико–химические методы исследования материалов, Практики
(Учебный корпус №2, 302 (И))
Гидрогенизация угля, Практики
(Учебный корпус №2, 113 (Б))
Opening lessons