Главная Кафедры Biochemical engineering Новости кафедры Open lecture on "Types of errors and processing of measurement results"
09 February 2024                  828
Open lecture on "Types of errors and processing of measurement results"
On February 9, 2024, Associate Professor of the Department of "Biochemical Engineering" Muzdybayeva Sh.A. held an open lesson on the topic:"Types of errors and processing of measurement results" in the discipline "Methods of measurement control" for students of the specialty: BZH-22-1k., BZH-23-3k (count), BZH-23-1k (count), BZH-23-3p (count) (online lesson).
The purpose of the open lesson was the value that would ideally characterize the measured value in qualitative and quantitative terms. The main task of physical experience is to determine the numerical values of physical quantities and establish quantitative dependencies between them. 
 The lesson was conducted in accordance with the work program of the discipline (syllabus). Interactive learning tools (a projector) were used during the lesson. For a clearer understanding of the material taught by the students, the teacher constantly asked leading questions. By interviewing students, the connection of the current lecture with previous classes is monitored.
The open lesson was attended by the head of the Department of Biochemical Engineering Solodova E.V., Associate Professor Nokerbekova N.K.