Zhappasov Zharylkasyn
Department head, Candidate of Historical Sciences
About the Department

The Department of Social and humanitarian disciplines and world languages is an educational and scientific structural unit of IETU, which carries out educational, methodological, research and educational work. The teaching staff of the department is actively involved in scientific, pedagogical, educational, and also public work. They are engaged in the methodology of cognition, national culture, socio-political movements, and global problems of our time. In the educational process, teachers widely use innovative teaching methods. The department has 1 Doctor of Science, 8 Candidate of Science, 2 PhD, 8 Master. Teachers of the department are engaged in research work in the areas of: history, cultural studies, pedagogy, psychology, sociology, philology, philosophy.

The department carries out activities in accordance with the annual work plan in the following areas:
- educational and methodological support of the educational process;
- organizational and methodological work;
- research work of teaching staff;
- research work of students;
- educational work with students.
The following disciplines are taught at the department:
- History of Kazakhstan;
- Kazakh
- English
- Sociology;
- Politology;
- Philosophy;
- Culture Studiesy;
- Physical education;
- History and science of philosophy (Master's degree)
Every year, the department holds an international scientific and practical conference participates in the preparation and organization of master classes, seminars, continuing education courses for the teaching staff of the department. On the basis of the department there are English language courses for students. Our department collaborates with KazNU named Al-Farabi, KNU named after N. Gumilyova, KazNAU, participating in conferences of faculty and students.

University students of all specialties are actively involved in research work at the department, making reports and publishing scientific articles on philosophy, political science, history of Kazakhstan, language, foundations of law, etc.

Every year, teaching staff of the department conducts various educational events with students: Language Day, wall newspaper contests, socio-political posters, essays on socio-political and historical topics

Teachers of the department prepared training complexes in all disciplines. Teachers of the department carry out a large educational work at the faculties, and also actively participate in various events on a university scale. Scientific circles "Academic writing", "Englishdom", "Soz kudiret" and "Local studies" work in the department.

The goals of the Department

The department sees its mission in the implementation of activities that promote the training of highly qualified engineers and specialists in the field of managing enterprises and organizations of various industries by supplementing the students' natural-scientific and engineering competencies with modern knowledge in the field of social and humanitarian disciplines.

Implementation of the goals set for the department today is achieved in such areas as:
• High-quality lectures, seminars and other types of training; organization and leadership of students' independent work; exercise control over the educational work of students and determine its results.
• Organization and conduct of extracurricular (educational) work with students.
• Preparation of both printed and electronic textbooks, study guides, lecture notes, methodological literature and educational and practical publications on the profile of the department.
• Summarizing and disseminating the experience of the best teachers; assisting novice teachers in mastering teaching skills.
• Development of curricula and work programs for the disciplines read by teachers of the department, as well as the preparation of conclusions on the curriculum drawn up by other departments.
• Conducting research work; directing research work of students and discussing completed research work.
• Improving the cultural and moral level and intellectual potential of employees and graduates with knowledge and competencies in the socio-humanitarian sphere.

Objectives of the Department

  • Development of a quality management system for training specialists;
  • Introduction of innovative forms of work of the department, including those related to involving students in research activities;
  • Participation in the international activities of the branch and establishment of links with the scientific community of the region;
  • Participation in strengthening the material and technical and information base of the branch;
  • Formation of conditions ensuring full disclosure of the abilities of each member of the department, stimulating individual and collective creativity.