Main Teachers Abilda Aidana

Abilda Aidana

The Department of «Technique and technology of food production»

Master of technical sciences

Professional experience


– 2019. September – 2021. july: M.Kozybayev North Kazakhstan State University, Department of "Food Security", Petropavlovsk

Senior Lecturer

– 2021. October – 2022 June: "M.Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University" Non-profit limited company, Department of "Food Security", Petropavlovsk


- International engineering technological university, 2022-present 


2013 - 2017 Almaty university of technology. Bachelor`s degree in "5B072700 - Technology of food products".

2017 - 2019 Almaty university of technology. Master of Technical Sciences in the specialty "6M072700 – Food technology".


  1. Абуова А.Б., Токанова Ж.К., Әбілда А.С., Сабыржанова А.Е., Абдыкулова А., Глютенсіз ұн өндірісі үшін баламалы шикізат көздерін талдау. - Материалы международной научно-практической конференции "Современные тенденции развития химической технологии и инженерии в пищевой и легкой промышленности", Алматы, 2023 г., 227-229 с.
  2. Әбілда А.С., Даулетханкызы А., Садупова Т.Б., «Технология посола цельномышечных продуктов. Созревание мяса»,  Продовольчі ресурси: зб. наук. пр. Ін-т прод. ресурсів НААН. Кіев: ТОВ «БАРМИ», 2019. № 13. - С. 180-189.
  3. Әбілда А.С., Даулетханкызы А., Садупова Т.Б., Определение нормы выходов и биологической ценности отдельных отрубов баранины, "Эволюция науки в современном мире" материалы международной научно-практической конференции. - Петропавловск: СКГУ им. М. Козыбаева, 2019. - С. 3-10
  4. Алимарданова М.К., Шунекеева А., Абилда А.С., Абдрахманова О., «Перспективы развития молочной отрасли Казахстана», Пища. Экология. Качество: труды XV Междунар. науч.- практ. конф. (Краснообск. 27-29 июня 2018 г.). Краснообск. 2018. - М.: Издательство «Перо». 808 с. С. 46-50.
  5. Баязитова К.Н., Әбілда А.С., Сейтқасымова С.Қ., Исследование факторов, влияющих на технологию мягкого сыра из козьего молока, Продовольчі ресурси т. 9 (2021), № 16.
  6. Әбілда А. С., Туменова Г. Т., Жұмахан С. Т., Әпсемет Г. Қ., «Ірімшік өндіру технологиясы», Учебник, Петропавл, СКУ им. М.Козыбаева, 2021 г.,  141 с.
  7. Әбілда А.С., Даулетханкызы А., Садупова Т.Б., «Ет консервілерін өндру технологиясы», Учебно-методические пособия, издательство Калейдоскоп, г. Петропавловск.  Издано, Библиотека СКГУ им. М. Козыбаева. 2019 г. 86 с.
  8. Әбілда А.С., Даулетханкызы А., Садупова Т.Б., «Технология производства колбасных изделий и полуфабрикатов», Учебно-методические пособия, издательство Калейдоскоп, г. Петропавловск.  Издано, Библиотека СКГУ им. М. Козыбаева, 2019 г., 68 с.
  9. Әбілда А.С., Даулетханкызы А., Садупова Т.Б., Иль Е.Н., «Физиология питания», Методические указания к лабораторным занятиям, издательство Калейдоскоп, г. Петропавловск.  Издано, Библиотека СКГУ им. М. Козыбаева, 2020 г., 75 с.
  10. Әбілда А.С., Садупова Т.Б., «Технология приемки и первичной обработки молочного сырья», Методические указания к практическим занятиям, издательство Калейдоскоп, г. Петропавловск.  Издано, Библиотека СКГУ им. М. Козыбаева, 2021г.
  11. Әбілда А.С., Садупова Т.Б., МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ УКАЗАНИЯ  к лабораторным занятиям по дисциплине «Анализ продуктов питания», г. Петропавловск.  Издано, Библиотека СКГУ им. М. Козыбаева, 2020 г., 81 с.
Disciplines taught


The purpose of mastering the discipline is to teach students the formation of knowledge and skills on the biological and technological bases of fruit and berry production and the formation of skills for the development of intensive technologies of cultivation and cultivation of fruit and berry crops. As a result of studying the discipline, the student masters the theoretical foundations of modern intensive technologies for the production of fruits and berries, the patterns of growth, development and fruiting of fruit and berry plants, biological features and morphological characteristics of fruit and berry plants.

Technology of fermentation and wine making

The purpose of mastering the discipline is to study a wide range of issues related to the production of various products, including food, based on the metabolism of microbial cells capable of carrying out different types of fermentation. In the materials, special attention is paid to the detailed study of the main plant raw materials that are used in fermentation production. As a result of the training, the student will be able to take part in the development of technological schemes of the main fermentation plants, analyze ways to improve biotechnological production based on fermentation processes, perform microbiological and biochemical methods of production control.

Technology of food products

The task of the discipline is to provide the knowledge necessary for the technologist for the rational use of raw materials, the introduction of waste-free and resource-saving technology of preparing high-quality products. Teach to see the relationship between the technological properties of raw materials, its chemical composition and the formation of new properties of products in the process of cooking.

Technology of meat and dairy products

The discipline studies normative and technical documents, veterinary norms and rules for processing meat and meat products, the product range, classification and technology of production of meat products, as well as the technology of production of milk and fermented milk products, technological modes and parameters, etc.

Processes and in food production

The discipline studies theory, general patterns of technological processes, classification of processes in the food and processing industry, as well as modeling of processes and devices, basic similarity theories, hydromechanical processes, thermal processes, mass transfer processes, non-traditional processes and devices in the food and processing industry.

Equipment for molding and processing food products

The purpose of the discipline is to study the main types of technological equipment for various food production and mechanical processing of raw materials, semi-finished products by molding, the study of basic design schemes. As a result of studying the discipline, the student will acquire knowledge about the main features of the device and operation, methods of calculating the main technological and design parameters; is able to use equipment and molding methods; fundamentals of molding technology for meat products, bakery and pasta; the importance of technological parameters of raw material processing in quality assurance. The student can use the acquired knowledge in the future when designing equipment for food production.

Soil mapping

The ability to use information tools at the user level to solve problems in the field of soil science, land reclamation, physics, chemistry, geography, biology, ecology, soil erosion, agrochemistry and agrophysics, soil landscape design, soil radiology, protection and rational use of soil.

tecgnology of drying and storage of grain

The discipline studies the composition and properties of grain mass and its components, modern technologies, methods and modes of drying and storing grain. As a result of studying the discipline, the student will learn to evaluate the nature of changes in the properties and quality of grain during the drying and storage of grain.

Timetable of classes

Opening lessons