2012-2018 - Kazakhstan of Engineering and Technology University (KAZITU) - Senior lecturer in the specialties:
5B080800 - Soil Science and Agrochemistry, 5B080900-Fruit and Vegetable Growing.
2019 - KGI Agroindustrial Complex of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan RSU "Republican Methodological Center for Phytosanitary diagnostics and forecasts" - Surveyor for the city of Almaty
2020- LLP «Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Fruit and Vegetable Growing» - Manager of Marketing and Sales Department
2021 – LLP «Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Fruit and Vegetable Growing» senior researcher of the Plant Protection Department of the state institution
2021 – JSC «Kazakhstan Engineering and Technological University» lecturer of the Department "Technology of equipment and standardization"
2022 - Сертификат Dreamskills курс "Эффективный Менеджмент в Университете" по материалам (Fundamentals of Management. University of California Irvine,USA)
2021 Advanced training course on the topic: Methodology of scientific research in fruit and vegetable growing, LLP "Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Fruit and Vegetable Growing"
In 2021, an hour advanced training course was held on the topic: The gene pool of vegetable and melon crops. Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Fruit and Vegetable Growing LLP
In 2021, he completed a refresher course on the topic: Vegetable growing in foreign countries. Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Fruit and Vegetable Growing LLP
2021. on the topic: Technology of sugar beet cultivation. Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Fruit and Vegetable Growing LLP.
2021 on the topic: Prospects for the development of horticulture in the south-east of Kazakhstan: problems and solutions. Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Fruit and Vegetable Growing LLP
2021 on the topic: Innovative technologies of cultivation of vegetable crops in protected soil//Approbation signs of table carrots//Varieties and their features cultivation// Potato storage issues. 2021.
2021 on the topic: Diseases and pests of potatoes. Technology of tomato cultivation in the open ground. Prospects for increasing the productivity of vegetable crops of patronymic selection of protected soil. Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Fruit and Vegetable Growing LLP.
2021 on the topic: Prospects for the use of organic food additives in bakery products. Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Processing and Food Industry LLP
2021 he short-term course of EPIS Korea-Kazakhstan Human Capacity Empowerment on Smart Farm. The President of Korea Agency of Education, Promotion, Information Service in Food, Agriculture, Forestry.
2021 Within the framework of Kazakh-Dutch Cooperation Tailor made Master Class on fruit growing: PIT FRUITS. HOSTED BU KAZNAU, AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY OF ALMATU. DELPHY WORLDQIDE EXPERTISE FOR FOOD
2021 Within the framework of Kazakh-Dutch Cooperation Tailor made Master Class on fruit growing: SOFT FRUITS. HOSTED BU KAZNAU, AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY OF ALMATU. DELPHY WORLDQIDE EXPERTISE FOR FOOD
2021 Within the framework of Kazakh-Dutch Cooperation Tailor made Master Class on fruit growing: APPLES and PEARS. HOSTED BU KAZNAU, AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY OF ALMATU. DELPHY WORLDQIDE EXPERTISE FOR FOOD
2021. Educational program «Scientific support for the innovative development of fruit and vegetable growing». Course Horticulture. Total credit units 5. HOSTED BU KAZNAU, AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY OF ALMATU.
2021. on the topic : Agriculture and beznes: promising directions today. Fundamentals of business planning and measures of state support. "AGROCOMP -Improving the competitiveness of food and agricultural enterprises in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan through improving value chains, sustainable development, and eco-innovation" EU-FUNDED PROGRAM "CENTRAL ASIA INVEST IV
2021 on the topic: "Effective technologies for growing fruit products from planting to the table." "AGROCOMP -Improving the competitiveness of food and agricultural enterprises in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan through improving value chains, sustainable development, and eco-innovation" EU-FUNDED PROGRAM "CENTRAL ASIA INVEST IV
2019. Seminar on the use of the Web of Science database and modern scientometric techniques. Selection of the journal for publication using the platform tools. Using the EndNote tool to select a journal to publish an article, design scientific articles, and select a list of sources on a research topic. CLARIVATE ANALYTICS
2018 on the topic: Web of Science – the leading information platform. How to prepare an article for publication in the journal. CLARIVATE ANALYTICS
2019. on the topic: "Technology of cultivation, processing and seed production of melon crops" NCE RK ATAMEKEN
2019. on the topic: "Diseases and pests of melon crops and modern measures to combat them" NCE RK ATAMEKEN
2019. on the topic: "Harvesting tomatoes for seed purposes" Nur-Sultan 2019. NCE RK ATAMEKEN
2019. on the topic: "Propagation of grapes and cultivation of seed material" Nur-Sultan 2019.
2018. on the topic: "Technology of raspberry cultivation in Almaty region" NCE RK ATAMEKEN, KAZAKHSTAN PRODUCERS AND PROCESSORS OF NUTS AND BERRIES
2018. on the topic: «Rangeland conservation planing, application, and manitorg for sustained productivity and land integrity» Kazakh National Agrarian University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
2017. on the topic: SPRINGER NATURE.
2017 on the topic: "Methodology and methods of psychological research" Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after ABAI/ TARAS SHEVCHENKO National University of Kyiv
2016. on the topic: "Preparation of a report on self-assessment of the organization of education within the framework of institutional and specialized accreditation" INDEPENDENT KAZAKHSTAN AGENCY FOR QUALITY ASSURANCE IN EDUCATION
2014. on the topic: "Safety of raw materials and food products" Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov
2008 - 2021 Kazakhstan of Engineering and Technology University . 5B080800 Soil Science and Agrochemistry.
2012 - 2014 Kazakhstan of Engineering and Technology University. 6M080900 - Fruit and Vegetable Growing.
2018 - 2021 Kazakh National Agrarian Research University. PhD докторант 6D080900 - "Fruit and Vegetable Growing".
ГРАНТ. AP08052493 «Технология производства экологически чистой бахчевой продукции (арбуз, дыня) в условиях юго-востока Казахстана». ТОО "Казахский научно-исследовательский институт плодоовощеводства" 2020 - 2022гг., исполнитель проекта, на 0,25 ставке.
ПЦФ. BR10765032 Создание сортов и гибридов плодово-ягодных, орехоплодных культур и винограда на основе достижений био и IT-технологий. ТОО "Казахский научно-исследовательский институт плодоовощеводства" 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2023гг., исполнитель проекта, на 0,25 ставке.