From 2022 to the present, International University of Engineering and Technology, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Business
2019-2022 LLP "Institute for the Development of Science and Innovative and Technological Education" - Lecturer
2010-2018 KazNMU them. S.Zh. Asfendiyarova - Lecturer at the Department of Economics in Healthcare
2008-2010 National Center for Tuberculosis Problems of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Economist, Deputy director of economic affairs
1993-2008 Research Institute of Cardiology and World Bank of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Chief Economist, Chief Accountant
1987-1992 Almaty Regional Department of Statistics - Economist, Leading Economist
1983 - 1987 Almaty Institute of National Economy. Economics of the national economy.
2007 - 2010 Institute of Economics of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 08.00.05. Economy and management of national economy.
1. The impact of the green economy on the urban ecosystem of Almaty city, Bulletin of Karaganda University. Series “Biology. Medicine. Geography". №1(109)/2023 page 184-194
2. Zhogary bilim beru salasyndagy okytushylyk kyzmettin keibir maseleleri, Journal Vestnik Kargu, Pedagogy Series, No. 3 (103) 2021, pp. 59-69
3. Business үrdіsterdі dayyndaudyn kontseptualdy negіzderi, Journal "Science and life of Kazakhstan-Kazakhstan gylymy men omіrі", No. 5/3 2019, pp. 292-296
4. Zhogary bіlіm beru oryndarynyn bіlim beru үrdisinde interactive okytudyn keibir maseleleri, Journal "Science and life of Kazakhstan" - Kazakhstan gylymy men omіrі, No. 4 (60) 20 18, pp.151-153
5. Kazakhstani zhogary bilim berudin internationalizationlanuynyn keibir maseleleri, Journal “Kazakhstannyn zhogary mektebi higher school of Kazakhstan”, No. 1 (17) 2017, pp. 28-30