Main Teachers Martynyuk Svetlana

Martynyuk Svetlana

Associate professor
The Department of «Software Engineering»

Candidate of technical Sciences

Professional experience

From 1996 to 2009 - Grant Bank programmer-analyst

from 2003 to 2009 - "TV and Radio Systems" - project manager, developer

from 1998 to the current time - NTU HP I -researcher, teacher of the Faculty of PIITU

Project Manager in the Ukrainian-Turkish DataScience laboratory under the leadership of Eldar Ismailovich Veliyev


1990 - 1996 . .

Scientific interests

1985-1989 Prepared and defended a dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Mathematical Sciences in the specialty 01.02.04 "Mechanics of liquid Gas and plasma" on the topic "Research on the dynamics of mudflow", also participated in scientific projects of the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences and KazITU

2022-2023 Business process control and optimization system

2022-2025-LCAD Fiber optic Communication line design and Testing System

2022-2023 - Cardio monitoring system


Translation of Natural Language Business
Rules into the Database Structure

Improving Item Searching On Trading Platform
Based On Reinforcement Learning Approach

Virtual Promotion Based on Machine Learning

Disciplines taught

Timetable of classes

Opening lessons