Main Teachers Tattibaeva Damira

Tattibaeva Damira

Head of the Department
The Department of «Technique and technology of food production»


Professional experience

April 2006 – August 2008 Almaty Technological University, Department of Food Technology. Position: Master of Industrial Training

September 2008 – July 2011 Almaty Technological University. Position: Lecturer, Department of Food Technology and Safety

September 2011 - July 2014. University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Laboratory of Food Safety (Laboratorio de Higiene, Inspection y Control de Alimentos), PhD student (Erasmus Mundus international program grant)

May 2017 to June 2017. Defense of doctoral dissertation on the topic "PRESENCIA DE ELEMENTOS TÓXICOS Y MICOTOXINAS IN KAZAKHSTAN CEREALES" at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

September 2014-August 2024. Senior Lecturer, Department of Food Safety and Quality, Almaty Technological University.

September 2024-present. Head of Department of Food Production Engineering and Technology, International Engineering and Technology University

Advanced training.

2019. PhD in Innovation in Food Safety and Technology, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

(Spain) and a PhD degree in "Food Safety" of the Republic of Kazakhstan

2022. Certificate in the training course on the topic: "International Quality Management Standards System"

2022. Certificate of NKT (National Qualification Testing) Qualification: English Teacher

2023. Certificate of advanced training in the intensive course "Thinking and Writing" in English

2023. Certificate in the practical course "Statistical Analysis of Data in Excel"

2024. Certificate of advanced training in the program "Inclusive School: Creating a Comfortable Educational Environment for Students with SEN"

2024. Diploma of "Spanish Language Teacher" of the Cultural Center of the Spanish Language "Irtysh" of Almaty. The diploma is registered with the Embassy of Spain of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


2000 - 2005 Taraz State University named after M.Kh. Dulati. "Technology of fish products and fats"; qualification: engineer-technologist.

2006 - 2008 Almaty Technological University. Master`s degree, specialty "Technology of food products", Master of Engineering and Technology.

2009 - 2012 Almaty Technological University. "Food Safety" PhD doctoral program.

2011 - 2014 University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). Food Sciences and Technology. PhD doctoral program.

2020 - 2022 Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay. Foreign language: two foreign languages ​​(English and French). Qualification: Bachelor of Education.

Scientific interests

Study of residues of pharmaceutical substances in fish. Initiative project  from 2019 till 2022


1. Tattibayeva, C. Nebot, J. M. Miranda, A. B. Abuova, M. Z. Kizatova, B.    Vazquez, A. Cepeda, C. M. Franco . Occurrence of mycotoxins in talkan: A cereal-based food traditional for Turkic population [Text] / D.// Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences. - 2018. - № 2. Vol. 21.- Р.333-341.

2. D. Tattibayeva, С. Nebot, J. М. Miranda, А. Cepeda, Е. Mateyev, М. Erkebaev, С. М. Franco. A study on toxic and essential elements in rice from the Republic of Kazakhstan: comparing the level of contamination in rice from the European Community. Environmental Geochemistry and Health 2016 Feb;38(l):85-98. doi: 10.1007/s 10653-015-9687-y (БазаТомсонРойтерссимпактфактором 2,616)

3. D. Tattibayeva, С. Nebot, J. М. Miranda, А. Cepeda, Е. Altynai В. Abuova, Torebek A. Baibatyrov, Maigul Z. Kizatova, Carlos M. Franco. A study on toxic and essential elements in wheat grain from the Republic of Kazakhstan. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2016 Mar;23(6):5527-37. doi: 10.1007/s 1 1356-015-5728-4.(БазаТомсонРойтерссимпактфактором 2,741)

4. Аманова Ш.С., Тунгышбаева У.О., Азимова С. Т., Изтелиева Р.А., Таттибаева Д.Б. Анализ опасных факторов жизненного цикла полуфабрикатов на основе мяса птицы бройлеров с добавлением соевой муки. «Аграрный научный журнал», ФГБОУ ВО  “Саратовский государственный аграрный университет имени Н.И. Вавилова" г. Саратов№ 6 (2022), июнь  2022., стр. 20-31

5. Курманбаева И.Н., Набиева Ж.С., Таттибаева Д.Б., Джумабекова Г.Ш., Жельдыбаева А.А. влияние экстракта облепихи на показатели хлеба. Вестник Алматинского технологического университета. 2022;(2):56-61.

6. Таттибаева, Д.Б. Тағам өнеркәсібіндегі квалиметрия [текст/электронный ресурс]: оқу құралы / Д. Б. Таттибаева. - Алматы : Эпиграф, 2021. - 252 б. - ISBN 978-601-352-298-2 

 7. Customs control  [Текст/Электронный ресурс] : Textbook / D. B. Tattibayeva, R. U. Uazhanova, T. K. Kulazhanov, E. T. Kulazhanov. - Almaty : Epigraf, 2021. - 148 p. - ISBN 978-601-352-251-7  Таттибаева Д.Б., Уажанова Р.У., Кулажанов Е.Т., Кулажанов Т.К.

Disciplines taught

Timetable of classes

Opening lessons