Main Teachers Akhmetzhanova Azhar Toksanovna

Akhmetzhanova Azhar Toksanovna

Associate professor
The Department of «Social and humanitarian disciplines and world languages»

Candidate of historical sciences


Professional experience

My career took place at KazGU (KazNU named after al-Farabi).

-1980-1991.  a post-graduate student of the Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov, head of cabinet, senior laboratory assistant.

-1991-2022 Assistant, lecturer, senior lecturer of the Department of History of Kazakhstan of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. I was the chairman of the method bureau of the department. I taught general and elective courses: Modern History of Kazakhstan, History of Kazakhstan, History of Soviet Kazakhstan, Historical destinies of the Kazakh Diaspora, Reforms of the Russian Empire in Kazakhstan, Formation and development of historical education in Kazakhstan, History of development of KazNU, Outstanding teachers and scientists of KazNU named after al-Farabi, Historical demography of Kazakhstan, Imperial management system in Kazakhstan (XIX-beginning. XX centuries).

-1975-1980. Studying at the Kazakh Women's Pedagogical Institute. Specialty: History and pedagogy. Qualification: Historian, teacher of history and social studies, methodologist for educational work.


1975 - 1980 Kazakh Women`s Pedagogical Institute. History and pedagogy.

Scientific interests

The steppe situation of 1891: a historical aspect


1. Akhmetzhanova A. T. Reform of the Russian Empire in the 60-90s of the XIX century in Kazakhstan. Educational and methodical work. - Almaty:Kazakh University, 2013 – - 222 P.

2. Akhmetzhanova A. T. The Imperial system of Management in step-by-step krae (seredina XIX-beginning XX VV.): monograph. - Almaty:Kazakh university, 2016 – - 190 P.

3. Akhmetzhanova A. T. New administration of the Russian Empire in step-by-step. Sbornik documents and materials / Sost. A. T. Akhmetzhanova. - Almaty:Kazakh University, 2019 – - 148 P.

4. Akhmetzhanova A. T., Alina A.D. Imena and data: scientific and image statistics of kaznu/A. T. Akhmetzhanova, A.D. Alina. - Almaty: Kazakh University, 2020 – - 324 P.

Disciplines taught

Timetable of classes

Opening lessons