Main Teachers Karymsakova Дария Tletaevna

Karymsakova Дария Tletaevna

The Department of «Software Engineering»


Professional experience

Senior lecturer in the field of IP


1998 - 2002 АГУ им Абая. . Teacher of mathematics and computer science. Bachelor.

2022 - 2004 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University . "140402 - Thermophysics" specialty.


Interaction of Adjacent Smart Traffic Lights During Traffic Jams at an Intersection

  • Mansurova M.E.;Belgibaev B.A.;Ixanov, S. Sh.a, ; Karimsakova D.T.; Zhamangarin D.S. 

    Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences

    Издатель:Natural Sciences Publishing

    Тип источника:Журнал

Disciplines taught

Timetable of classes

Opening lessons