Main Teachers Tleuzhanova Manatzhan Ashimkulovna

Tleuzhanova Manatzhan Ashimkulovna

Associate professor
The Department of «Economics and business»

Candidate of economics sciences

Professional experience

Work experience - From 01/09/1981 to 02/08/1987 she worked as a programmer engineer at the Department of Computational Mathematics, at KarSU named after. Buketova (Karaganda).

From 1987-1991 she worked at the Kokchetav branch of the Central Agricultural Institute as a teacher at the Department of Economics, as a programmer at the Computer Center of the Agro-Industrial Committee (Kokchetav).

From 1991-2006 she worked as a teacher, senior lecturer, associate professor, head of the Department of Micro-Macroeconomics named after T. Ryskulov (Alma-Ata).

From 2006-2008 she worked as head of the department of “Economics, tourism and international relations”, dean of the Faculty of Economics of ATU (Alma-Ata).

2008-2010 worked as acting Professor at the Department of Social Disciplines MAB (Alma-Ata).

2010-2014 worked as dean, acting. professor at the Financial Academy (Astana).

in 2014-2016 she worked as acting Professor at the Department of Economics and Business at KazGUU (Astana).

2016-2023 worked as a professor, head of the Department of Economics and Management at the Financial Academy of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Astana).

2023-present I work as an associate professor at the Department of Economics and Business at MITU (Almaty).


- Awarded the academic title of associate professor in the specialty "Economics", associate professor of the Higher Attestation Commission. associate professor DC No. 0005872. May 21, 2004. No. 6 protocol.. 08.00.05 Economics and management of the national economy (by industry and area of ​​activity).

1975 - 1980 Republican Physics and Mathematics School. Karaganda State University. Faculty of Mathematics. majoring in applied mathematics. Qualified as a mathematics teacher. G-I No. 270886. registration number 65/156.

1981 - 1987 Karaganda Buketov University. . Specialty – 08.00.05 - Economics and Management of the National Economy..

2000 - 2005 Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics, and Strategic Research. advanced training course in the discipline “Microeconomics”, “Macroeconomics”, “Advanced course in micro and macroeconomics”, “Project Analysis”..

Scientific interests

Research projects in the field of microeconomics, macroeconomics, and project analysis


1.Scopus ID 56523271700

Articles – 4





Web of Science Researcher ID: HSW-8870-2023ID

Articles – 1



SPIN code: 1690-9725

Author ID: 1095494

Hirsch index (h-index) – 2

Articles – 21 (20 - as an author, 1 - as a scientific supervisor)


7. Competitive advantage and increasing the competitiveness of the company through a balanced scorecard.QARJY. – 2020. – No. 4. – P. 96-105.

8.Rural employment problems in the Republic of Kazakhstan.Statistics, accounting and audit. – 2020. – No. 4. – P.98-102. –

9. Modernization of the poultry industry as a priority direction of the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan.Problems of the agricultural market. – 2021. – No. 4. – pp. 143-151. –

10. The relationship between structural changes in investment and output in the industry of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov, Economic series. – 2022. – No. 1. – P. 51-60. – file:///C:/Users/Admin/Downloads/Bulletin%20ENU%20№1%20-%202022..pdf .

11. Prospects for creating effective management of human resources in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Scientific aspect (RSCI). - 2023. - No. 12. – P. 881-891. -

12. The role of the Damutek portal in the provision of distance educational services in the market of Kazakhstan and the CIS.Collection of materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation “Economics and management: experience and new solutions in the era of transformations” (RSCI). – Omsk: Omsk State Technical University Publishing House, 2023. – P. 133-139. -

13. Inflation and unemployment: understanding the Phillips curve and its role in the economy. Current issues of modern economics (RSCI). – 2024. – No. 4. – pp. 493-499. — https://xn--80aimpg.xn--80ae9b7b.xn–p1ai/Files/ArticleFiles/fdd388f9-2535-49e9-8e68-41903f47fa83.pdf.

14. Factors and principles influencing the development of the well-being of rural areas. Collection of materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “CUTTING-EDGE SCIENCE - 2024”. – Sheffield: Science and education LTD, 2024. – P.21-26.

15. Competency-based approach to teaching language for special purposes to future engineers. Collection of materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “CUTTING-EDGE SCIENCE - 2024”. – Sheffield: Science and education LTD, 2024. – P.88-93.

16. Dairy and product complex: features of functioning. Problems of the agricultural market. – 2024. – No. 1. – P. 125-135. –

Disciplines taught

Business planning by industry

The course is aimed at studying the essence of business planning by industry with the use of applied software, including the structures and functions of business plans; investor requirements for the development of business plans; business planning techniques. As a result of mastering the course, students will be able to develop a business plan and other intracompany plans, read, analyze and interpret the main economic indicators of the enterprise

Planning for the enterprise

The discipline is aimed at training specialists to participate in the development and implementation of a set of operational measures in accordance with the strategy of the organization; the acquisition of skills by graduates in planning the activities of the organization and departments; the acquisition by graduates of skills in the work of the organization's personnel aimed at achieving strategic and operational goals; the preparation of graduates for the collection, processing and analysis of information about the factors of external and internal the internal environment of the organization for making management decisions; preparation of graduates to build an internal information system of the organization to collect information for decision-making, activity planning and control; acquisition by graduates of skills in developing business plans for the modernization of existing and creation of new business. The discipline contributes to the solution of tasks in professional activity as the development by students of the general laws of the functioning of the organization that determine the effectiveness of its activities, as well as knowledge on general and specific issues of creation, content, and the system of planned management of organizations. The purpose of mastering the discipline is to form students' general cultural and professional competencies in the methods of collecting, processing, analyzing and transmitting information when solving applied planning and management tasks at the enterprise.

Innovative economy

The course is aimed at forming students' systematic understanding of innovation and innovative business development, competencies for managing the innovative development of economic systems. As a result of studying the discipline, students will master the theoretical foundations of innovation processes, concepts and characteristics of innovations and their impact on economic development, promising directions for the use of innovations in the economy

Methods of scientific research

The purpose of the discipline is to provide students with theoretical and applied knowledge on the methods of scientific research of problems in the professional field. As a result, the student will master the conceptual and terminological apparatus, the theoretical and empirical foundations of science, the foundations of methodology, the key functions of modern science, the stages of scientific research, which will allow performing reports on scientific work in accordance with modern requirements.

Scientific research methods

The course is aimed at studying the methodology and methods of scientific research in various areas of the economy; tools and technologies of introducing scientific research into the economy. As a result of mastering the subject, the student conducts scientific research using economic, mathematical and statistical methods, analyzes the results, and forms a systematic approach to economic research.

Timetable of classes

Понедельник Вторник Среда Четверг Пятница Суббота
Планирование деятельности предприятия, Лекции
(онлайн занятие)
Инновационная экономика, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 404 (Э))
Планирование деятельности предприятия, Лекции
(онлайн занятие)
Инновационная экономика, Практики
(Учебный корпус №2, 405 (Э))
Бизнес – планирование по отраслям, Практики
(Учебный корпус №1, 73 (С))
Инновационная экономика, Лекции
(Учебный корпус №2, 405 (Э))
Бизнес – планирование по отраслям, Лекции
(онлайн занятие)
Бизнес – планирование по отраслям, Практики
(Учебный корпус №1, 73 (С))
Бизнес – планирование по отраслям, Лекции
(онлайн занятие)
Бизнес – планирование по отраслям, Лекции
(онлайн занятие)
Бизнес – планирование по отраслям, Лекции
(онлайн занятие)
Бизнес – планирование по отраслям, Лекции
(онлайн занятие)
Бизнес – планирование по отраслям, Лекции
(онлайн занятие)
Бизнес – планирование по отраслям, Лекции
(онлайн занятие)
Бизнес – планирование по отраслям, Лекции
(онлайн занятие)
Бизнес – планирование по отраслям, Лекции
(онлайн занятие)
Opening lessons