Main Teachers Velyamov Masimzhan Tursunovich

Velyamov Masimzhan Tursunovich

The Department of «Biochemical engineering»

Doctor of biological sciences

Professional experience

M.T.Velyamov - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

M.T.Velyamov is one of the leading specialists in Kazakhstan and CIS countries in the field of microbiology, in particular in biotechnology, immunobiotechnology and food safety (received international ISO certificates, etc.). He has repeatedly completed an internship at various research institutes in Moscow, Pushchino and Novosibirsk of the Russian Federation on the development of new methods of virological, cytochemical, electron microscopic studies, biotechnology, processing of agricultural products, in the cities of Astana and Almaty in the State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Standardization and Certification, in Tikhoretsk of the Krasnodar Territory and in Moscow (RF) on management of food safety systems and abroad in Turkey for processing meat and food products.
Since 2009, he has been conducting experiments on the implementation of current research on the development of express methods for determining food safety. Since 2012, he has been the head of the topic on waste-free deep processing of vegetable products, in particular table beets and carrots.  In this case, he has developed an effective technology for obtaining a highly valuable product of pectin extract, which is currently being used to carry out projects to obtain biologically active additives to prolong human life at the Nazarbayev University JSC organized by the CHU "Center for Life Sciences" in Astana. At the same time, based on these developments, for the first time in the practice of the processing and food industry of the republic, in the CIS countries and abroad, he recommended a new direction in modern development in this industry, for the development of biologically active additives and bioecological food products that promote self-purification of the body from heavy metals, radioactive and other contaminants entering the human body with food. 
 M.T.Velyamov co-authored 9 regulatory and technical documents for 19 preparations for animal husbandry, poultry farming and processing and food industries, which are approved by the relevant departments and approved as permanent in the republic. At the same time, technical documents were developed for such state-important biological products in Kazakhstan as vaccines against anthrax, pasteurellosis, listeriosis, erysipelas, bradzot, rabies, emphysymatous carbuncle of farm animals and birds (for these vaccines, working in the Almaty Biocombinat in the period 2001-2003, for the first time in the conditions of the market economy of Kazakhstan, he co-authored preliminary patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan). He is the author of 315 scientific papers, including 3 monographs, 1 textbook, 2 methodological recommendations, 1 methodological guidance, 5 standards of organizations and 18 educational guidelines for the preparation of students published in Kazakhstan and abroad (Russian Federation, England, Turkey, Germany, UAE-in Dubai, XUAR, Uzbekistan, Mongolia, China, Kyrgyz Republic, etc.).
 He co-authored 23 inventions for development, including 1 patent for a method for the development of alpha interferons of cattle and pigs, 13 preliminary patents for various preparations for animal husbandry and poultry, 9 innovative patents for the processing and food industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Under his leadership, the State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan was developed for the preparation of masters in the specialty "Food safety".  
M.T.Velyamov constantly participates in scientific and practical conferences, congresses and exhibitions, round tables held both in the republic and abroad (the Russian Federation, Turkey, the Republic of Belarus, Uzbekistan, Mongolia, the Kyrgyz Republic, etc.).


1975 - 1980 Almaty Veterinary Institute, veterinary and sanitary examination, veterinary medicine. Specialty: veterinary medicine, qualification: veterinary and sanitary examination, diploma number,B-1 No. 080305.

Scientific interests

M.T.Velyamov co-authored 9 regulatory and technical documents for 19 preparations for animal husbandry, poultry farming and processing and food industry, which are approved in the relevant departments and approved as permanent in the republic. At the same time, technical documents were developed for such state-important biological products in Kazakhstan as vaccines against anthrax, pasteurellosis, listeriosis, erysipelas, bradzot, rabies, emphysymatous carbuncle of farm animals and birds (for these vaccines, working in the Almaty Biocombinat in the period 2001-2003, for the first time in the conditions of the market economy of Kazakhstan, he co-authored preliminary patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan). He is the author of 315 scientific papers, including 3 monographs, 1 textbook, 2 methodological recommendations, 1 methodological guidance, 5 standards of organizations and 18 educational guidelines for the preparation of students published in Kazakhstan and abroad (Russian Federation, England, Turkey, Germany, UAE-in Dubai, XUAR, Uzbekistan, Mongolia, China, Kyrgyz Republic, etc.).
 He co-authored 23 inventions for development, including 1 patent for a method for the development of alpha interferons of cattle and pigs, 13 preliminary patents for various preparations for animal husbandry and poultry, 9 innovative patents for the processing and food industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Under his leadership, the State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan was developed for the preparation of masters in the specialty "Food safety".  
M.T.Velyamov constantly participates in scientific and practical conferences, congresses and exhibitions, round tables held both in the republic and abroad (the Russian Federation, Turkey, the Republic of Belarus, Uzbekistan, Mongolia, the Kyrgyz Republic, etc.).
For his achievements in science in 1983, M.T.Velyamov was awarded the title of laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize of the Almaty region, and in 2013 he became a laureate of the independent prize "Ilham" in the nomination "Science" in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honored Worker of Science and Education, awarded the Orders of "Peter the Great" "Alexander the Great", for scientific victories and achievements, international gold medals: And Nobel, Vavilov, M. Lomonosov, "Leader of Education" and "Pride of the Nation", within the framework of the programs "Golden Fund of National Science" - "For innovative work in the field of higher education", has been repeatedly awarded diplomas of the city administration, National Academy of Sciences, KazNIVI, RSE "Almaty Biocombinat" and LLP "Kazakh Research Institute of Processing and Food Industry"KAI Ministry of Agriculture RK, and also has thanks from the management of organizations and enterprises.


Developments introduced into production: together with M. T. Velyamov, 9 regulatory and technical documents have been developed for 19 preparations for animal husbandry, poultry farming and the processing and food industry, which are approved by the relevant departments according to the specifics and approved in the republic as permanent. At the same time, Kazakhstan has developed technical documents for biologics of national importance, such as vaccines against anthrax of farm animals and birds (for these vaccines, working at the Almaty Biocombinat in the period from 2001 to 2003, for the first time in the conditions of the market economy of Kazakhstan, it was published in co-authorship, preliminary patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan for pasteurellosis, listeriosis). Since 2009, he has been conducting experiments on the implementation of current research on the development of operational methods for determining food safety. Since 2012, he has become the head of the topic of waste-free deep processing of vegetable products, in particular beets and carrots.  At the same time, he developed an effective technology for obtaining a highly valuable product of pectin extract, which is currently used to carry out projects to obtain biologically active additives to prolong human life at Nazarbayev University JSC, organized by the Center for Life Sciences in Astana. At the same time, on the basis of these developments, he for the first time proposed a new direction in the practice of the processing and food industry of the republic, modern development in this area in the CIS countries and abroad, on the development of biologically active additives and bioecological food products that promote self-purification of the body from heavy metals, radioactive and other food contaminants entering the human body with food. 
   He received 23 inventions for joint development, including 1 patent for the method of developing alpha interferons of cattle and pigs, 13 preliminary patents for various preparations for animal husbandry and poultry, 9 innovative patents for the processing and food industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Disciplines taught

Timetable of classes

Opening lessons