Main Teachers Dinislamov Edigen Dinislamuly

Dinislamov Edigen Dinislamuly

Department of distance education technologies

Master of technical sciences


Professional experience

from 01.09.2016.-28.08.2017 he worked as a teacher in the subjects of "Standardization and certification" Almaty Financial and Legal and Technological College.

from 01.09.2016.-28.08.2017 he worked as a teacher in the subjects of "Standardization and certification" Almaty Transport College KazATK named after M. Tynyshpayev 

from 05.09.2017-01.09.2019 he worked as a Teacher in the subjects Standardization, certification and quality management, Standardization of processes and products (by industry), Metrological support in the quality management system, Quality systems, Technology for the development of standards of regulatory documents.State system of technical regulation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Metrological support of production, ISO Standards of the Eurasian Technological University.

since 05.09.2019 - currently I work at the Kazakhstan Engineering and Technological University, as a senior lecturer at the Department of "TOiS"


from 06/01/2015 to 06/07/2015 certificates of professional development on the topic "Modern technologies of innovation and technological management" ITMO University, St. Petersburg, 72 hours

from 04/08/2019 to 04/20/2019 certificates of professional development on the topic "Skills of a scientific researcher: methodology and scientific analysis in the field of technical disciplines" Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, 72 hours

from 02/07/2022 to 03/14/2019 Dreamskills certificates course "Effective Management at the University" based on materials (Fundamentals of Management Сoursera. University of California Irvine,USA) 72 hours

Additional Information:

01/14/2019 attended a seminar on the topic "The use of electronic databases in research activities."

01/14/2019 attended a seminar on the topic "Web of Science - a platform for research activities of scientists."

01/14/2019 attended a seminar on the topic "Springer nature trainaing how to use how to publish".



2010 - 2014 T. Ryskulov Narkhoz University. Bachelor of Natural Sciences in the specialty «5B060800- Ecology».

2014 - 2016 Narxoz University. Master of technical sciences in specialties «6M073200 - Standardization and certification (by industry)» .

Scientific interests

The area of study of the theoretical basis for the development of the food industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the model of state regulation of the place in world practice, as well as the trends in the development of the world market for basic food products.


International scientific and practical conference «Modern scientific research of young scientists» on the topic of improving the quality and competitiveness of goods consumed in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Shymkent-2016

Republican scientific and practical conference on the topic: «Transport of the XXI century: research, modernization, infrastructure», dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshbaev Almaty-2018

«International standard ISO 14001 environmental management and the implementation of energy management ISO 50001: its achievements and problems», ETU BULLETIN 2018 y.

«Criteria for ensuring food security in Kazakhstan», ETU BULLETIN 2019 y.

Disciplines taught

Timetable of classes

Opening lessons