Professional experience From 01.12.2019 , International University of Engineering and Technology, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Business
2017-2018 - Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, Director of the Department of Academic Affairs
2007-2017 – Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev, Associate Professor of the Department of Assessment, Accounting and Audit", Deputy Director of the Institute of Economics and Business, Head of the Department of Economics and Finance
1997 – 2007 - T.Ryskulov Kazakh University of Economics (Narkhoz) lecturer, senior lecturer, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Cybernetics
1989-1997 – SPTU No. 24, Semipalatinsk, teacher of ACS,
1986-1989 - Semipalatinsk Technological Institute of Meat and Dairy Products, young specialist assistant, teacher of the Department of Higher Mathematics
Education1980 - 1986 S.M. Kirov Kazakh State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics. Mechanic, applied mathematician.
2000 - 2004 T. Ryskulov Kazakh University of Economics. 08.00.13 – “Mathematics and instrumental methods of economy.” The thesis for competition of academic degree of candidate of economic sciences. .
Scientific interests2009-2011. Technopark of KazNTU named after Satpayeva (commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan) under the leadership of Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan A.A. Ashimov "Program for the development of methods for developing and implementing effective public policy based on the theory of parametric regulation of market economy mechanisms".
Work performed: "Macro-assessment of the state of the national economy based on the model of a small open country, building an equilibrium model in the markets of goods, money and capital, analysis of the impact of economic instruments (money supply and government (2009-2011.)
PublicationsHas more than 70 published publications, including monographs - 3, teaching aids - 4. Hirsch index (h-index) -2.
- Инновационное развитие восточно - казахстанской области: потенциал и перспективы активизации. Вестник Туран №1, 2016
- "Kazakhstan and the silk road. From wishful thinking to practice”. The BASEES 2016 Annual Conference will be held 2-4April 2016 and will be based as usual at Fitzwilliam and Churchill Colleges,Cambridge
- "WAYS AND STRATEGIES OF THE HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM" International Distance Education Conference (IDEC) in Dubai, UEA. February 4-6, 2016
- The Loading Computation Algorithm on Bearings of Rollers of Belt Conveyor IDAACS` 2017, September 21-23, Bucharest, Romania
- Government regulation of innovations in the logistics system -in the Republic of Kazakhstan Revista ESPACIOS. Vol. 39 (Number 51) Year 2018. Page 22
- An Empirical Assessment of the Economic Model of the Exchange Rate. Global Journal of Management and Business Research: C Finance Volume 18 Issue 5 Version 1.0 Year 2018 Type: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal Publisher: Global Journals Online ISSN: 2249-4588& Print ISSN: 0975-5853
- Проблемы использования цифровых данных интернетом НАУКА И ИННОВАЦИОННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ, 2019 Учредители: Международный университет инновационных технологий (Бишкек) ISSN: 1694-7762eISSN: 1694-8114
- Оценка факторов, опрелеляющих равновесный курс тенге. Труды Международной научно-практической конференции «Математические методы и информационные технологии макроэкономического анализа и экономической политики», посвященной празнованию 80-летнего юбилея академика НАН РК Ашимова А А, 11-12 апреля 2017, г.Алматы
- Устойчивое развитие: общая, методология проблемы. Монография. КазИТУ, ТОО «Гига трейд»-101с. Алматы 2019
- Роль кредита в развитии реального сектора экономики Казахстана. Монография. КазИТУ, ТОО «Гига трейд»-98с. Алматы 2019
- Модели прогнозирования Э.Альтмана к реалиям казахстанской экономики. Монография. КазИТУ, ТОО «Гига трейд»-88с. Алматы 2019
- Эконометрика. Учебное пособие, Алматы 2019
- Структурная модернизация легкой промышленности казахстана, МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯ НАУЧНО-ПРАКТИЧЕСКАЯ КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ «Интеграция образования, науки и производства: актуальные вопросы, достижения и инновации» 26 апреля 2021 г
- "Қазақстандағы өмір сүру сапасын және жұмыссыздықтың әсерін талдау" //Международная научно-практическая конференция на тему: «Развитие университетской науки и консолидация с исследовательскими организациями как основы построения инновационной экономики», Международный инженерно-технологический университет, г.Алматы, 2023
- Fuzzy Logic and Its Application in the Assessment of Information Security Risk of Industrial Internet of Things, MDPI Symmetry 2023, 15(10), 1958,
- Роль добычи нефти в экономическом развитии Казахстана, Нефт и газ, Журнал №4, 2024 год
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