Main About METU Additional educational program (Minor)
Additional educational program (Minor)

Дополнительная образовательная программа (Minor) – совокупность дисциплин и (или) модулей и других видов учебной работы, определенная обучающимся для изучения с целью формирования дополнительных компетенций (Правила организации учебного процесса по кредитной технологии обучения Приказ МОН РК от 12.10.2018 г. №563).

Minor – это блок из четырех взаимосвязанных дисциплин непрофильного для студента направления подготовки. Обучающиеся со 2 курса при определении индивидуальной траектории обучения могут заменить дисциплины от основной образовательной программы, на дополнительную образовательную программу в общем объеме -20 кредитов.

Каждый обучающийся может выбрать для изучения один Minor.

Additional Educational Program Digital technologies
The goal of the educational program Training of information technology specialists who are competitive in the labor market with the aim of applying in all areas of work, capable of managing application programs in various fields of industry.
The goal of the educational program
  • formation of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of software creation
  • provision of highly qualified specialists in the field of software development and support
  • acquisition of skills in organizing and conducting scientific research in the field of information and communication technology
  • mastering new innovative methods of data analysis in various industries
Expected learning outcomes

As a result of studying the discipline, the student will be able to:

  • LO1 - Describe the algorithm for executing software products
  • LO2 - Demonstrate the calculations of the operation of the processes
  • LO3 - Solve actual programming problems
  • LO4 - Distinguish between low-level and high-level programming languages
  • LO5 - integrate interdisciplinary skills and IT knowledge
  • LO6 - assess the level of applicability of software tools in different areas
  • LO7 - justify and insist on their point of view in the applicability of information technology in the design and research process
Information about course

Python Programming         

The course is designed for programming in the high-level Python programming language, the formation of algorithmic thinking, basic concepts of structural programming, the development of students' logic, to develop skills and abilities to use Python libraries in many industries.


Eshbaev Bektursun Nurgalievich

Master of technical sciences, lecturer-practitioner

JSC Kazpost, chief specialist



Information theory.

Shannon-Fano code, Huffman code, arithmetic code, combinatorial approach to the concept of information, probabilistic approach to the concept of information, obtaining knowledge about modern technologies of information transmission and transformation. Encode digital data, apply methods of encoding and decoding information in research and applied activities.


Imangaliev Ernar Imangalievich

Candidate of physical and mathematical

Associated Professor

Software development tools

This discipline has the theoretical foundations of building instrumental software, determining the direction of application, composition, methods and tools of instrumental software. And also, the acquisition of skills in the application of modern CASE technologies in the development of information systems. After completing the course, the student should know: the basic principles of the software development process; principles of construction, structure.


Abizov Nuralem Ismailuly

Master of technical sciences (Hangzhou Dianzi University)

ТОО Quant Robotics, senior software engineer


Innovation Marketing

In this course you learn the composition and principles of database construction, methods, development of practical skills in developing and implementing a logical database structure in accordance with a formalized task for a specific subject area, characteristics of modern DBMS, database design.


Takabaev Takhir Maratovich

Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, Associated professor

Founder the LLC Academset