Главная Новости KazETU students won the contest "Birlik-bereke bastauy".
27 october 2021                  319166
KazETU students won the contest "Birlik-bereke bastauy".

By order of the Department of Public Development of Almaty, the final event on the project "Birlik-bereke bastauy" of the national-ethnographic association "Adyrna" was held at the Kazakhstan Engineering and Technological University. The aim of the project is to strengthen the friendship of the people of Kazakhstan, representatives of different ethnic groups, to expand the scope of application of Kazakh culture and language among other ethnic groups.

The event was attended by the rector of KazETU G. Sarsenbekova, the president of the national ethnographic association "Adyrna" Arman Aubakir, the famous culturologist Berdaly Ospan and students of the 1st-4th year.

Within the framework of the event, among representatives of various ethnic groups of Almaty, the winners were awarded, who took prizes, took part in a video challenge to read Abai's works in the state language and a musical challenge based on the works of Kazakh composers and poets.

The winners of the competition were awarded by a well-known culturologist, a special guest of the event Berdaly Ospan.

The winners were the following KazETU students who took part in the challenge:

- Ilia Zhukov -took 1st place in reading by heart ,

- Kim Yulia got the 2nd place

-Sayatbakieva Sayara - the winner of the 1st place in the musical direction., Koshugulova Sabrina and Melnikova Evelina were awarded letters of thanks for their participation.

Also, the winners of the competition from other regions of the republic were awarded with a diploma and valuable prizes.Also, the winners of the competition from other regions of the republic were awarded with a diploma and valuable prizes.

For the support of the event, the KazETU staff and students were awarded with letters of thanks: Kerey Zhandarbek, Bazarkhan Konysbek, specialists of the Department of Youth Policy.