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6 april 2022                  318937
New ideas were presented at the round table

On April 1, 2022, associate professor of the Department of social and humanitarian disciplines zh.a.Tukebayeva held a round table discussion on the topic: "norms of literary language and their significance in the modern world" in the Scientific Library of Kazitu. The event was attended by students of the specialties of Software Engineering, Biotechnology, technological machinery and equipment. During the meeting, research works on the Russian language on the topic "norms of the literary Russian language and their significance in the modern world", analysis of what is the "normalized literary Russian language", how it works and its significance in modern society were carried out. With illustrative examples, students were shown cases of violation of the norms of the Russian language. During the discussion, the parties actively expressed their views on the topic. In connection with the topic discussed, the participants of the group made suggestions and exchanged views.