Главная Кафедры Smart technologies in engineering Новости кафедры The competitiveness of KazЕTU educational programs has increased
25 march 2022                  319029
The competitiveness of KazЕTU educational programs has increased

The Department of Computer Engineering, Automation and Telecommunications is one of the leading departments of the Kazakhstan Engineering and Technological University.

The department has an educational program "Software Engineering". We train specialists in the field of software engineering who are competitive in the labor market, who possess modern methods, tools and technologies for developing software products for various purposes, and are able to manage engineering activities and application software packages in various areas of the industry.

This educational program will allow the student to master fundamental and applied skills, knowledge and skills in the following areas:

  • design of algorithms and other data structures;
  • development of application software systems using modern programming languages;
  • testing, verification, quality assessment and ensuring the correctness of the software;
  • development and analysis of parallel processes in distributed environments;
  • using cloud computing, big data analysis and processing.

Career opportunities • System administrator. • Software engineer. • Разработчик Software developer; • Back-end and Frot-end developer. • FullStackdeveloper. • Tester of software products and algorithms. • Designer of ITsystems; • Mobile developer. • Developer of work-related systems. Students of the educational program are trained by doctors and candidates of sciences, PhDstudents, teachers-practitioners who hold senior positions in ITcompanies. Our teacher-practitioner working in the company Quant Robotics Abizov Nuralem Ismailovich with students of the educational program "Software Engineering" won the nomination of the international Teklaconcourse. We developed a plugin for Tekla that exports metadata about parts, welds, and their types to create triangulations and calculate quaternions for the welding torch approach.The data is transmitted to the server, after which it remains only to lay out the details of okoklo robots for assembling products created by designers https/ /youtu.bebe/hHNKIA1x4Xw. During the training, students have the opportunity to complete a professional internship with further employment at such enterprises as: TOO "Widget"(партнер BI GROUP `s partner in SmartRemont automationSmartRemont), TOO "Qbant Robotics" (one of the leading companies in Central Asia for software development and reprogramming of robots by integrators and manufacturers), RSE at the Institute of Information Technologies and Technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan. National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan(Academy coordinating and developing research and engineering activities in Kazakhstan), "IT Project Company"LLP, "IT Project Company"LLP.Academset» (a large cloud solutions company, Data center in MoscowAlmaty ).