Главная Кафедры Economics and business Новости кафедры KazETU trains qualified specialists in the field of marketing
26 april 2022                  319059
KazETU trains qualified specialists in the field of marketing
In order for any young sprout to flourish upwards, it must have a fundamental support. Nowadays, the beginning of this foundation begins with education. A well-mannered young man will decorate his country. Kazakhstan University of Engineering and Technology will help young citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the modern transit stage to realize their knowledge and experience in the labor market, take stable positions, get a decent job. In the modern industry, the concepts of management and marketing are used. Therefore, in order to be competitive in today`s market times, specialists in any industry work closely with these two systems. The whole institution has only one goal-not only to provide the consumer with the necessary, but also to be in demand to a satisfactory extent. In the training of qualified specialists in this field, not limited only to education, our department takes an active part in education in the following areas: ideological, patriotic, legal culture, healthy lifestyle, spiritual and moral qualities within the framework of the programs "Mangilik el" and "Rukhani Zhangyru".