Главная Кафедры Technique and technology of food production Новости кафедры The teacher of КazЕТU represented Kazakhstan at the meeting of the Central Asian group on promoting the export of agricultural products
29 april 2022                  319057
The teacher of КazЕТU represented Kazakhstan at the meeting of the Central Asian group on promoting the export of agricultural products

On April 18-19, the VI regional meeting of the Central Asian Group for the Promotion of agricultural Exports from Central Asia was held in Tashkent. Where delegates of Kazakhstan took an active part, including associate professor of the department "Technology, Equipment and Standardization" S.Zh.Kazybayeva. The TSARG meeting discussed issues on amendments to a number of existing UNECE Standards; monitoring and evaluation of activities for 2021, report of national technical working groups; expansion of knowledge and technologies, etc. A work plan for 2022 is planned for Kazakhstan, the revision of explanatory material to the UNECE Standards: two posters on raspberries and strawberries, a brochure on apple trees. The technologies of implementation of International Standards in the farms of Kazakhstan were also considered. We hope for further cooperation both with representatives of TSARG and with farmers of Kazakhstan.