Главная Кафедры Technique and technology of food production Новости кафедры A round table was held at the Department of Technology, Equipment and Standardization with the participation of representatives of the AF JSC
29 april 2022                  319034
A round table was held at the Department of Technology, Equipment and Standardization with the participation of representatives of the AF JSC

The topic of the round table was "The possibility of preparing students for professional certification at senior courses in the educational program Standardization and certification". The round table was attended by Vice-Rector for Academic and Scientific Work D.B.Akpanbetov, Director of the Department for Academic Affairs A.Zh. Zhenisova, Head of the Department of Conformity assessment of Management Systems AF JSC NaTSeX M.S.Anesov, acting head of the Department A.M.Otynshieva, as well as a teacher-practitioner of the department concurrently specialist of the Department of conformity assessment of food, industrial products and A.S. Kubeeva, the teaching staff of the department, students in the educational program "Standardization and certification".

Vice-Rector for Academic and Scientific Work Akpanbetov Darkhan Berikovich made a welcoming speech. He familiarized with the action plan on the possibility of professional certification of students. Malik Sapenovich Anesov , Head of the Department of Conformity Assessment of Management Systems , spoke on this issue . He said that the process of professional certification of students under the educational program "Standardization and Certification" is not easy, and requires minimal experience for a specialist over 5 years. A specialist of the department of conformity assessment of food, industrial products and services Kubeeva Aiganym Sangeldinova also spoke, she stated that it is possible to provide for a theoretical course of professional certification for students in educational and industrial practice.

The acting head of the department, A.M. Otynshieva, spoke, supporting M.S. Anesov, about the acute shortage of professional personnel in the field of certification. And she offered to give a grant on behalf of the AF of JSC NaTSeX to our University, the student will be confident in his further employment and in general will be a very good support for students in the OP "Standardization and Certification". Anesov M.S. offered to raise this topic to the management and contact them soon. The Vice-Rector of the University thanked the employees of the AF JSC "National Center for Expertise and Certification" for their participation and support. NaTSeX and KazITU have been cooperating for a long time.