Главная Новости KazЕTU took part in the Forum of Rectors of Central Asian countries
13 may 2022                  318982
KazЕTU took part in the Forum of Rectors of Central Asian countries

From May 12 to 13, the forum of rectors of universities of Central Asian countries was held at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The forum was attended by the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan A. Aimaganbetov, Vice-Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.Yergaliev, more than 130 representatives of higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and international organizations, as well as the Kazakhstan University of Engineering and Technology. Speaking at the forum, Minister A. Aimaganbetov warmly welcomed all participants and guests of the forum, noting that among the universities of Central Asia it is necessary to focus on the development of education and science, to conduct high-quality research in advanced areas. During the event, First Deputy Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan K. Karimov noted the importance of the forum. "The composition of the participants of the forum of rectors of Central Asian universities shows that this is a high-level forum.We are confident that this format will be in demand as a platform for the exchange of experience and the establishment of inter-university communication.Such events will give an impetus to the activation of international, interregional and inter-university ties, which will allow to establish effective cooperation."

Rector of the Kazakhstan University of Engineering and Technology G.A.Sarsenbekova noted the importance of this event, stressing that the main priority of the Rectors' forum is the further development of multilateral ties between universities, which will create mutual understanding between representatives of education and science, expand the ways of student exchange and the development of academic mobility of teachers.In turn, this will create additional opportunities to promote a positive image of the country in the international arena and maintain national interests at the global level.

Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic R. Abazbekulu, Rector of the Tajik National University K. Khushvakhtzoda, as well as international experts in the field of education made presentations at the plenary session. Within the framework of the international event, a session was held on the topic of global competitiveness, mobility of the university staff and students, digital transformation of the university, integration of the research space of the Central Asian countries. At the end of the forum, important bilateral program documents and contracts between 19 universities were held.