6 june 2022                  318994

The library is a place where people not only gain knowledge, but also communicate continuously, learn to listen and understand each other. Therefore, we can say with confidence that a library is a house in which a person learns about himself, the world around him and endless expanses in the fields of various sciences, and also succumbs to the addictions of imagination, getting into unknown worlds when reading a book, for example. If you are not in the mood, go to the library, pick up any book, and you will immediately feel noble and radiant with a radiant smile, as if you are drinking water from a pure spring. According to scientists, reading books is the only rational approach that relieves a person of stress. Reading 1-2 pages in 5-6 minutes can have a positive effect on blood pressure, heartbeat, relaxes muscles, slows down the pulse, reduces stress levels. More precisely, the results of the study showed that reading books reduces stress levels – 68%, listening to music – 61%, a cup of tea or coffee – 54%, walking – 42%.


The KazЕTU Library is a place with a unique design and a kind of creativity. Attractive aura, intelligence immediately fascinates a person. A modern library is an automated information center that serves users both locally and remotely and provides them with a wide range of services. It is a center for working with books and information, a center for communication and leisure, a center for the development of intellectual and creative potential of readers. KazЕTU has a spacious reading and electronic room, a conference room, a hall for undergraduates, where a rare book collection is stored. The library is equipped with the necessary equipment, modern computers. The total book fund of the library is more than 335 thousand books. Of these, about 143 thousand books in the Kazakh language and more than 600 thousand additional literature. Contracts have been concluded with the "Kazakh Research Institute of Fruit Growing and Viticulture", "Kazakh Research Institute of Processing and Food Industry", etc. The fund of the scientific library has been replenished with rare books. This is a very good opportunity for a young master's-doctoral student engaged in scientific research.


Readers can use the Republican Interuniversity Electronic Library (RDEC) via high-speed Internet, Springerlink.com , Clarivate Analytics, International publishing companies can use the database of publications Springer, Web of Science, Scopus at any time. The library meets modern requirements, all types of services are automated by the Kazakhstan program "KABIS.Ful" and simplified the operational search for information and its ordering. Kazakhstan and Russian periodicals "Egemen Kazakhstan", "Kazak adebieti", etc., domestic and foreign scientific publications, especially specialized journals, informing about the life of KazITU, please our eyes. A library and a librarian are inseparable concepts. The best librarian, the head of the scientific library of KazЕTU Zagi Makhambetova, who devoted half her life to the library, became the second mother of students. Today, the library is considered not only as an information center, but also as a support and a means of developing democracy. She writes the script herself, holds various meetings with famous and interesting people, has initiated many good deeds. When she talks about the hero of her meetings, Duscha is not happy. She learns about upcoming thematic exhibitions in the city and takes part in them on behalf of the library, prepares handouts and visual material on topical issues of science and industrial experience, designs exhibition stands. Today, a librarian needs knowledge of computer programs and skills to use them. So, in its activities, it forms catalogs of databases available in the library of literature in electronic form. Also, she never forgets the birthdays of the great Kazakh poet Akhmet Baitursynov, the great scientist and writer Mukhtar Auezov, poet Mukagali Makatayev, etc. And it has also become a tradition to hold meetings with such famous personalities as public figure, owner of the sign "Til Zhanashyry" Asyl Osman, writer, Auezov scholar Nurdaulet Akysh. The library hosts round tables, conferences, open days, discussions, exchange of experience, discussions of current problems of society.


In the heading "Zhanynda zhur zhaksy Adam" Zagi Sadvakasovna, with special trepidation and love recalls a meeting with Professor KazЕTU, Doctor of Philosophy Kaini Kenzhetaikyzy, noted: "The main activity of the librarian is not only related to the provision of information services (selection of literature, consulting, cataloguing), accounting and systematization of publications stored in the library, conducting works on the preservation of the existing library fund., but also to introduce young people to reading, to focus on the achievements of wonderful people who are nearby, trying on their way of life. Kaini Kenzhetaevna is an active, life-loving, inquisitive teacher. And her life path should become an example for students. The meeting was very interesting. She received the title of "Best Teacher" in 2016, there were a lot of students at the meeting," she said. She also mentioned that on the Day of Love she introduced the great words of the philosophers Al-Farabi, Plato, etc., very interestingly told at a literary and musical evening held together with students, noting that in this regard she herself reads a literary book a lot and teaches students to read literary, artistic works more. Today, the library is considered as a means of socialization of people, their assimilation of a certain system of knowledge, norms, givens, social experience, lifestyle, allowing them to function as a full-fledged member of society.. In this regard, the round table under the heading "Tarbieh – tal besikten" is of great importance. If you delve into one saying "Kyz tunshyksyn, ult yntyksyn", then you can get a deep meaning. Kazakh proverbs and sayings are based on national education. Each event held in the conference hall of the KazЕTU Scientific Library made a great contribution.for the education of students. In conclusion, the KazЕTU Library is a modern multifunctional information intellectual center, where all conditions are created for meaningful leisure activities. Since 2016, there has been a library of English literature and language clubs – "Englishclub", oratory, etc. The Young Reader Fiction Club immediately attracts every student. Young reader! If you want to be a highly cultured, educated, wise, humane person, make friends with the library.