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15 june 2022                  319014
KazЕTU hosted a round table dedicated to the Day of State Symbols

On May 13, Kazakhstan engineering and Technology University hosted a solemn event dedicated to the day of state symbols: "symbols of the Kazakh people-honor of the nation!"a round table was held. The event was organized in order to instill in the younger generation a sincere love for the Motherland, the history and traditions of the country, and respect for the main symbols of our state, which determine our independence, was attended by faculty, students and undergraduates.
The event began with the performance of the National Anthem.At the opening ceremony, rector of the Kazakhstan engineering and Technological University Sarsenbekova G. A. congratulated the staff and students of the University on the holiday and spoke about the importance of the state symbols of the country in the formation of civic consciousness in society, noting that they are today's young people who will be able to bring peace and dignity to the country in the future.
At the meeting, professor of the Institute of history and Ethnology named after sh.sh. Ualikhanov , doctor of philology R. K. Kadyrzhanov called to understand the history of the state symbols of the country , the unity of the country and the people and its symbols, the importance of political independence, respect for our state symbols-the anthem, flag, coat of arms, love for the motherland.

During the Round Table, a film about the symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan, educational slides were shown, and a conversation with the guests was held.