Главная Новости Dear applicants and students of KazЕTU!
22 july 2022                  319365
Dear applicants and students of KazЕTU!

The Public Foundation "Kazakhstan Halkyna" announces a competition for awarding grants and scholarships within the framework of the implementation of the Charitable program "Educational grants of "Kazakhstan Halkyna".
The program has been implemented since the 2022-2023 academic year.
The Foundation provides grants with scholarships for applicants from low-income rural families, orphans and children with disabilities who have not received a state or other grant to pay for higher education under bachelor's degree programs.
Applicants (applicants) for a grant and scholarship from the Public Foundation "Kazakhstan Khalkyna" submit applications to the admissions committee of the selected organization of higher and postgraduate education (hereinafter-OVPO) in the period from August 10 to 17.
Important: the applicant is independently engaged in filing an application and is responsible for this process, while it is worth considering that the requirements for the UNT may change annually, therefore it is necessary to clarify this information in the receiving OVPO in advance.
Full information about the Program can be found on the website of "Kazakhstan Khalkyna": https://qazaqstanhalqyna.kz/ru/programs.html
The Foundation does not provide advice and information on issues related to admission to the OVPO. For these questions, please contact the admissions committees of the OVPO

The Foundation also provides an opportunity for students studying in paid departments of OVPO to continue their studies at the expense of the Foundation. Students to receive a grant and scholarship from the Public Foundation "Kazakhstan Khalkyna" submit online applications from August 1 to August 15 on the website of the NGO "Taiburyl": https://www.taiburyl.kz /.
KAZGUU students submit applications on the website of the KAZGUU Endowment Corporate Fund: https://endowment.kazguu.kz/ru/
NGO "Taiburyl" and CF "Endowment KAZGUU" are partners of the Program, providing free of charge their own technical platform for accepting and processing applications from students (studying in paid departments of OVPO and wishing to continue their studies at the expense of the Fund), thus assisting the Foundation "Kazakhstan Khalkyna" in the implementation of the Charitable program "Educational Grants of"Kazakhstan khalkyna".

Grantees must comply with the academic requirements of the host university and are required to complete a full course of study during the program. Failure to comply with this condition may be grounds for termination of financial support.

Questions and answers.
1. Who can be applicants for an educational grant from the Public Foundation "Kazakhstan Khalkyna".
Applicants for an educational grant:
1) applicants for full-time study at the OVPO (the list of educational institutions is available on the Foundation's website) for bachelor's degree programs on a competitive basis.
At the same time, the Foundation reserves the right for the OVPO to accept applications and conduct a competition (in accordance with the criteria for selecting Program participants).
2) students of OVPO to continue full-time study in bachelor's degree programs in accordance with the criteria for the selection of participants. The selection of students applying for a grant (with a scholarship) from the Foundation is carried out
- Public association "Taiburyl
- Corporate Fund "KAZGUU Endowment" (for the selection of KAZGUU students)

2. What are the criteria for selecting Program participants?

1) Criteria for the selection of Program participants for awarding educational grants and scholarships of the Kazakhstan Khalkyna Foundation based on the results of competitions held through the OVPO Commission:
applicants who have passed the UNT and scored the necessary passing score for admission to OVPO according to its results:
- from low-income rural families;
- persons related to orphans and those left without parental care until adulthood;
- persons with disabilities, including those with disabilities.

2) Criteria for the selection of Program participants applying for a grant and scholarship of the Foundation, based on the results of Competitions held among students of OVPO:
- students who are persons with disabilities, including those with disabilities;
- students who are orphans or left without parental care until adulthood;
- students from low-income rural families;
- students from single-parent families raising disabled children of groups 1 and 2;
- students whose parents/parent are disabled in groups 1 and 2.

At the same time, applicants (students studying in paid groups) for a grant and a scholarship from the Public Foundation "Kazakhstan Khalkyna" submit online applications from
01 to 15 August
- on the website of the NGO "Taiburyl": https://www.taiburyl.kz/
- on the website of the KAZGUU Endowment Corporate Fund https://endowment.kazguu.kz/ru / - KAZGUU students

3. To which universities and for which specialties are grants allocated?
The list of OVPO (universities) participating in the Charitable program "Educational grants of the Kazakhstan Khalkyna Foundation" for the 2022-2023 academic year is posted on the website of the Kazakhstan Khalkyna Foundation: https://qazaqstanhalqyna.kz/ru/programs/17-charity-ru/190
The applicant chooses the specialty himself, that is, there are no restrictions on specialties.
4. What period of study does the grant cover, is there a limit on the cost of training?
A grant with a scholarship covers the entire period of study under bachelor's degree programs, from the moment of conclusion of contracts within the framework of the Program.
The limit on the cost of training is up to 1 million tenge for each student-grantee, if the annual cost of training of a student exceeds 1 million tenge, the difference, that is, the amount exceeding 1 million tenge, must be paid by the student-grantee himself.
5. Are there any obligations of grantees to the Fund?
The grants allocated by the Foundation are gratuitous assistance. The amount is non-refundable and after completing the training, the grant holder is not obliged to "work out" the funds spent on his training.
6. Who makes the final decision on awarding grants?
The selection of applicants among the applicants of the current year is carried out by the admission office or any other Commission operating under the OVPO (universities) within the framework of the implementation of educational grants. That is, the final decision is made by the OVPO Commission. A copy of the minutes of the Commission meeting and a list of applicants who have passed the selection are provided to the Fund.
The selection of applicants for a grant among students is carried out by a Commission established at the NGO "Taiburyl". The Foundation is provided with a copy of the minutes of the Commission meeting and a list of students who have passed the selection.
7. In what cases can a student lose a grant?
The payment of the educational grant is terminated in the following cases:
- termination of studies for personal reasons or health reasons (academic leave), when a student is expelled from an educational organization, when a student transfers/transfers to another educational institution, except in cases when a student studies at another educational organization within the framework of exchange educational programs;

8. Can an applicant for a grant from the Kazakhstan Halkyna Foundation participate in competitions of other programs, or apply for a state grant?
The applicant for the grant (applicant) can participate in competitions:
- for a state grant, since the application for a grant from the Kazakhstan Khalkyna Foundation begins after the republican competition commission for awarding educational grants from the republican budget. That is, applications for the grant will be accepted from August 10 to August 17.
- for other programs (grants of M&E and others), provided that the dates of the competitions will not coincide, in case of coincidence, he will have to make a choice in favor of one or another competition.

9. Can a resident of another country living in the Republic of Kazakhstan take part in the competition?
- it can't.
10. Can an applicant who has graduated from school / college not in the current year, but earlier, take part in the competition?
- maybe.
11. How to apply?
Applicants submit applications with supporting documents to the admissions committees of higher educational institutions.
12. Applicants for participation in the competition for an educational grant submit the following documents to the admissions committees of universities:

p/n Documents
1 Scanned copy of the applicant's identity card

2 Color copy of the identity card of parentslegal guardians
3 A copy of the certificate (with an appendix) of high school graduation/college diploma
4 A copy of the UNT certificate (any certificate of the current year)
5 Documentary evidence of one (or several) of these categories:
- low-income families from rural areas;
- orphans and those left without parental care until adulthood;
- persons with disabilities, including those with disabilities.
6 If the Applicant is an orphan or a pupil of an orphanage, a certificate of the death of parents or a certificate from an orphanage is required
7 Certificate of pension contributions of the Applicant's parents for the last six months
8 Information about the status of the recipient of the TSA (place of receipt - PSC RK)
9 A copy of documents certifying participation in competitions, Olympiads (if available)
10 Copies of certificates/diplomas attesting to the receipt of prizes at republican tournaments in the field of culture and sports (if available)

13. List of documents for students (active) studying in paid departments:
p/n Documents

1 Copy of the applicant's identity card
2 Color copy of the identity card of parentslegal guardians
3 A copy of the high school graduation certificate/college diploma
(confirms that the applicant is from rural areas)
4 Documentary evidence of one (or several) of the specified categories: students studying full-time undergraduate programs who are persons:
- with disabilities, including those with disabilities;
- who are orphans or left without parental care until
- from low-income rural families;
- from among single-parent families raising disabled children of groups 1 and 2;
- students whose parents/parent are disabled in groups 1 and 2.

5 If the Applicant is an orphan or a pupil of an orphanage, a certificate of the death of parents or a certificate from an orphanage is required
6 Information about the status of the recipient of the TSA (place of receipt - PSC RK)