Главная Новости A day at the theater at KazЕTU
3 october 2022                  319031
A day at the theater at KazЕTU

On September 29, at the initiative of the rector of the Kazakhstan engineering and Technological University, in order to increase the level of spiritual and moral culture of students and make the most of their free time, a performance of the Kazakh state academic theater for children and youth named after G. Musrepov “Kara shekpen” was organized. The performance was attended by 250 people, including university leaders, teachers and students.
The author of the play "Black shekpen", which became the "best performance" of the Kazakh state academic theater for children and youth named after Gabit Musrepov, is the Ossetian playwright Georgy Khugaev, the production director is Askhat Maemirov. Here, all the characters are animals, with the exception of the Shepherd, who is engaged in raising four animals. The heroes of the story, which revolves around a hill named tuzar, are wolves, rabbits, foxes, donkeys, Crows, sheep and others. The performance, which shows the loyalty of a dog named tuzar to its owner, is built on human qualities. Through the image of a dog who worked hard, such opposite qualities as love and friendship, loyalty and betrayal became the ultimate idea of the performance.
The game of actors was also presented at a high level and was able to captivate young people with its originality. In the performance, famous actors B. Kamaranov, A. Eszhan, E. Ramazanov, A. Imangaliyev, zh.Makasheva, A. Dairabayeva, L. Kaden, S. Erzat, D. Abikeeva, D. Suleimenov, U. Bolatbek, E. Karibayev, B. Tushaev, G. Baibosynova, A. Kaimakbaeva, E. Sadyrbayev, M. Azhibekov, E. Khamidullin, E. Idrissov performed by the audience.he pointed.
In her speech, the rector of the University G. A. Sarsenbekova noted that the performance, which promotes human qualities and values, is a modern spectrum that has a lot to say to young people, has a deep idea and an educational value. He noted that the theater team, consisting of young talents who present such a valuable world, will always have its own audience.
At the end of the performance, students of the Kazakhstan engineering and Technological University took memorable photos with the actors and asked various interesting questions. The students, who promised to become permanent spectators of the theater in the future, were impressed by the wonderful, soulful atmosphere of the theater.