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1 november 2022                  319094
KazETU students visited the A. Kasteev Museum of Art

A museum is a kind of time machine that transports a person to the past or the future, gives new impressions. In addition, the contemplation of exhibits:
• broadens horizons;
• develops imagination;
• helps to find new ways of self-expression;
Trips to museums develop emotional and cognitive activity, perception of oneself in the society of people and phenomena.
There are different types of museums. For example, a historical museum that stores information about significant events in history. The Ethnographic Museum tells about the rituals and traditions of different peoples. It houses unique cultural monuments: national costumes, household accessories, beliefs and folklore, etc. The Museum of Local Lore can acquaint with the past of the native land. Wandering through the halls of the museum, we get acquainted with the past.
Within the framework of the "Olketanu" club, students visited the wonderful A.Kasteev Museum of Art under the guidance of S.D. Shaimukhanova and A.B. Nurtazayeva. Students were very impressed by the atmosphere of the museum, saw various paintings, statues, works of art, creativity of world-famous artists. The students especially liked the traditional Kazakh halls.
The museum is a wonderful place that carries great historical and cultural significance for all mankind. Visiting the museum instills a love of art, a love of history, and an expansion of horizons.