Главная Кафедры Social and humanitarian disciplines and world languages Новости кафедры International University of Engineering and Technology and Karshi State University signed a memorandum of cooperation
30 december 2022                  1238
International University of Engineering and Technology and Karshi State University signed a memorandum of cooperation

Ass.Professor of the Department of "SRS and MYA" Tukebayeva Zhanyl Aubakirovna shared her experience and made a report on "Innovative technologies for using the tradition of ethnopedagogization in Chinese and Kazakh audiences" at the plenary session of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "The role of folk Pedagogy in modern education" of Karshi State University, which brought together specialists from universities of Uzbekistan, Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.
The conference discussed topical pedagogical problems in the following main areas: scientific and theoretical foundations of the study of folk pedagogy; ethnopedagogic and ethnopsychological approaches in modern education; problems and prospects of organizing national education in the system of continuing education; tasks of ethnography in the formation of folk pedagogy; the role of the native language in the education of the younger generation based on national traditions; innovative technologies of using traditions of folk pedagogy.
A memorandum of cooperation was signed during the visit!
The friendly and creative atmosphere prevailing at the conference promotes the emergence of new scientific contacts, strengthens partnerships, and creates a favorable ground for the development of good-neighborly international relations