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20 march 2023                  1137
The Center for Academic Writing discussed the topic of creating arguments

On the 28th of March, 2023, An Associate Professor of the Department of “Social and Humanitarian Disciplines and World Languages” G.G. Tsyrenzhapova held a regular meeting of the Club “Center of Academic Writing” on the topic “Building a good argument” with first-year students of the Kazakh department of various specialties.

Galina Gomboevna spoke about the five elements of the “basic” research argumentation, how they answer the readers’ supposed questions and how they can be organized into a truly coherent argumentation.

Students Kenzhegalieva Rice and Duisembai Dias acted as students A and B and presented a dialogue in which they discussed the results of the last semester. Using a concrete example of a conversation between students, such elements of argumentation as statement, arguments, facts, recognition of alternative opinions, principles of argumentation were analyzed in a very accessible form. By making associations between argumentation and conversation, students have achieved a clear understanding of rather complex theoretical concepts, their presentation in the text of a written research paper.

Furthermore, a fragment of a study on the negative psychological impact of violent scenes in TV programs on children was considered. The students were able to identify the elements of scientific argumentation in the proposed text quite freely. The consolidation of the material was continued on the example of scientific articles by Kazakhstani authors published in the “Bulletin of KarSU”, the “Economy” series 2022, No. 1-4.