Republican Tournament «Дана жол», for students and teachers
Center for Applied Economics «Дана жол» and Akimat of Almaty city announced the holding of the Republican Tournament "Dana zhol" for students and teachers of colleges.
The Republican Tournament «Дана жол» is held on the following table games:
MONKAP VS. Imperialist;
MONKAP & Capitalist VS. Imperialist;
Stock market;
The capitalist;
Students of the college KazETU under the guidance of senior teacher ZhusipovaM.Sh. Took part in the board game "MONKAP VS. The Imperialist "held among college students. The prize fund of the event is from 50 000 to 1 000 000 tenge. The games continue, the results will be announced by the organizers in the month of May.