Главная Кафедры Biochemical engineering Новости кафедры Sport and new level
17 march 2023                  949
Sport and new level

The curatorial groups BZH-20-1k and HTOV-20-1k organized an open advisory hour on the topic "Sport and a new level" by the lecturer of the Department "Biochemical Engineering" Tastemirova Baktygul Eldenovna. The purpose of the open lesson is to convey to students the concept of "Healthy-healthy spirit". 3rd year students of the specialty "Environmental protection and life safety" Nadirbek Adilet and Kalabay Daniyar showed their achievements at various "open championships". A healthy generation today is tomorrow's continuation of the country. The degree to which the culture of health has been formed largely determines the life support and unity of our people, bright prospects. Health is the main basis of the country's development. Healthcare is one of the most pressing problems in our life, one of the most urgent tasks of the third millennium for our country. The open lesson used modern visual and video materials provided by the university. In order to summarize the results of the open adviser lesson, a rubric of questions and answers was held, crosswords were solved, students expressed their thoughts on paper.