Главная Новости Глазго университетінің ғалымы өзінің кәсіби тәжірибесімен бөлісті
24 may 2023                  1121
Глазго университетінің ғалымы өзінің кәсіби тәжірибесімен бөлісті

On May 24, the director of the MGB and MBA-MSC Euro-Asian programs at the International University of engineering and Technology, Head of the Department of education and teaching at the University of Glasgow (UK), Dr. Ramona Blanes of the Adam Smith School of business gave a special lecture to the faculty, heads of structures, heads of departments and students of the University on the topic "Change Management".
The meeting with a foreign scientist was opened by the rector of the International University of engineering and technology Gulnar Sarsenbekova, who noted that "our university always pays special attention to studying the best practices of higher education, getting acquainted with the research of the best scientists of the world and interacting with them. This shows how ready the University and its educational programs will be for global competitiveness, how much they will be in demand in the global labor market. Therefore, it is important to always establish close contacts with foreign universities and exchange experience," the Rector said. In addition, the head of the University noted that the International University of engineering and technology has close cooperation with the USA, Great Britain, Turkey, Central Asian countries, and today's visit of a foreign scientist will further strengthen these relations. 


It should be noted that Professor Ramona Blanes from Great Britain has held senior positions in financial services and management consulting organizations for more than 20 years. He conducted joint scientific research with well-known scientists from Asia, Europe, Latin America, North America and the Middle East. The professor holds a master's degree in Business Administration in the specialty" Islamic banking and finance". In his doctoral dissertation, he conducted research work on the topic "reform of public value and the public sector through the lens of intellectual transport systems." He is also the recipient of the Citigroup Global Quality Award – 2002, the Citibank Global Relations Award (Merrill Lynch) - 1998 , the Citibank Global Relations Award (Nomura) -1997, Awards.
During his visit to the University, professor Ramona Blanes gave a lecture on "Change Management"and shared his experience in solving a number of common problems between states in the development of education and science.
At the end of the meeting, the rector of the University Gulnar Sarsenbekova presented the professor with a prize on behalf of the University for his great contribution to the expansion of the educational space between the two parties. In turn, the scientist expressed confidence that in the future the exchange of experience at the international level will continue.