Главная Кафедры Social and humanitarian disciplines and world languages Новости кафедры International University of engineering and technology celebrated the day of state symbols
2 june 2023                  1058
International University of engineering and technology celebrated the day of state symbols

On June 4, 1992, new state symbols of independent Kazakhstan were approved for the first time — it is true that this day is forever remembered in the history of the country as the day of new state symbols. State symbols are one of the unshakable foundations of the state, a clear symbol of its independence. The national flag, the National Emblem and the National Anthem are wealth, symbolizing the unity of the state.
On the eve of the significant holiday, the international engineering and Technological University hosted a solemn event dedicated to the day of state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan "symbols-our spirit, arozhdan".  The meeting was attended by the teaching staff of the Department "Social and humanitarian disciplines and world languages", advisors and students.
At the opening ceremony, the rector of the University Gulnar Sarsenbekova made a speech, emphasizing the importance of the event. "State symbols are one of the integral symbols of any state, symbolizing its sovereignty and unity. This year, our country celebrates the 31st anniversary of the symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which have risen in the ranks of civilized countries and raised the Blue Flag. Our country is known to the world for its high flag, majestic coat of arms and majestic anthem. The Flying Blue Flag glorifies the people's dreams and raises the spirit of our country. The coat of arms is a strong shanyrak and proves the peace of the people, and the song "Menin Kazakstanym" conveys the centuries-old dream of our ancestors. These are the sacred pages of the new history of Kazakhstan," the Rector said.
During the meeting, students were shown a video about the authors of state symbols, the history of origin and interesting facts. Among the organizers of the event, which is aimed at developing the national spirit and patriotic consciousness among the younger generation, professor of the Department "Social and humanitarian disciplines and world languages", candidate of historical sciences Saule Duisetayeva said: "the peoples of each country are proud of their state symbols. It is necessary not only to know the image of the coat of arms, flag and Anthem of one's country, but also to know their significance and content. To do this, you need to have an idea of the history of their occurrence. The day of state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan is an important holiday for our motherland. Love for their country, respect for state symbols, confidence in the future achievements of Kazakhstan will allow us to face any difficulties", summed up the solemn event.