Главная Новости Message of the Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan "Economic course of Fair Kazakhstan"
1 september 2023                  628
Message of the Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan "Economic course of Fair Kazakhstan"

In the Address, the President focused on those measures that have played an important role in improving the quality of life of Kazakhstanis, including increasing teachers' salaries, improving the living conditions of many citizens, building comfortable schools and medical institutions, solving problematic land issues, etc. 
The President stressed the importance of continuing significant changes in the political and socio-economic spheres, which are closely related to the problems of the economy on a global scale. The Head of State, clearly representing the situation in the world, proposed ways for our country to enter structural economic reforms. To do this, it is necessary to develop the manufacturing industry that meets the requirements of world standards, using the high-class human potential of the republic, participating in global projects, applying the new law prepared by the government. 
The development of the industrial and agro-industrial sector is associated with environmental and technological issues, so it is important to conduct an audit every five years. In solving this problem, much attention is paid to preserving the health of the population, its well-being and prosperity. New approaches and solutions are needed in the energy, heat and water supply, and all taking into account the needs of the country's citizens and global challenges. 
For significant achievements in solving socio-economic issues, the President pointed to the problems and ways of implementing the country's transport and logistics industry as a locomotive in the development of the economy. He gave real examples, these are railway projects, the sea route, highways, logistics services.  The importance of strengthening the position of Kazakhstan as a hub transit hub in Eurasia was emphasized.  
The President considers one of the most important problems today is the preparation of a bill that would reflect the logic of economic development based on science and innovation. Also, use foreign experience, knowledge and opportunities of creative citizens of the country wisely.  Of course, one of the issues on the agenda is to improve the situation in the media sphere, cinema, music, design, education, and information technology.  For this purpose, it becomes important to create conditions for the realization of the creative and intellectual capital of the republic.  
Analyzing the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.-Zh.-Tokayev, the following conclusion can be drawn: the head of state clearly and clearly stated his vision of improving the economy on the basis of fair, legal and human approaches to all citizens of the country.