Главная Кафедры Social and humanitarian disciplines and world languages Новости кафедры Students took a tour of the Central State Museum of history of the Republic of Kazakhstan
15 september 2023                  738
Students took a tour of the Central State Museum of history of the Republic of Kazakhstan

On September 15, first-year students of the International Engineering and Technology University visited the State Central Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan on a tour. The exposition materials reflect the main direction, industry, and specifics of the museum. Collections of various content range from the emergence of life on earth, the spread and disappearance of ancient animals and plants from the face of the earth, the first traces of people, the formation of tribal unions and states, the interaction of nomadic and urban culture, mutual wars and mass settlement of peoples and The xx-XXI centuries. it shows the centuries-old history of Kazakhstan. For students, the guides of the Museum visited the permanent halls, where they gave detailed information about the history of Kazakhstan from ancient times to the modern period. During the visit to the Hall's expositions, students were introduced to the history, economy, religious views, artistic crafts, architecture of the Stone Age, Bronze Age, early Iron Age, Huns-Sarmatians, Middle Ages and tribes that inhabited the territory of Kazakhstan from ancient to XV century. In addition, during the visit to the Hall of historical ethnography, dedicated to the history of Kazakhstan from the XVI to the beginning of the XX century, students got acquainted with the expositions dedicated to the traditional culture, economic and household customs, spiritual culture of the Kazakhs, learned about the main characteristics of Kazakh society and the peculiarities of the cultural traditions of nomads. Ethnographic materials contained in the hall tell about the centuries-old life and worldview of the Kazakh people, rich spiritual and material culture. In this hall there are expositions that tell historical facts about such periods as the formation of the Kazakh Khanate, the formation and development of statehood, the struggle against the dzungars, the entry of the Kazakh land into Russia. Our students visited the halls" Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War and the culture of the diaspora"," independent Kazakhstan", got acquainted with the expositions, took memorable photos and got a good impression of the museum.