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2 october 2023                  2028
For the first year, the real student years began

On October 1, 2023, this year's first-year students of the International University of engineering and technology made a trip to Lake Issyk and spent an hour of walking in beautiful nature for the first time. About 150 first-year students went to Alatau, covered with white snow. Many of them did not hide that this is the first time they go out into such picturesque and picturesque nature.
The program of The Walking hour was very important and informative: sports games, various competitions were organized, students played asyk, danced and sang. They were divided into several groups by specialty, and each group was assisted by volunteer students. And Uzbek pilaf, cooked in a cauldron, was digested in the fresh air.
The sacred, beautiful nature of Issyk Lake, located in the high depths of the beautiful Alatau, was deliberately chosen to spend hours walking. Locals call the Issyk River Green Lake. Indeed, the color of the lake water changes with the weather and the incidence of sunlight, attracting turquoise.
From this successful day, full of warmth and joy, the students seemed to enter the next difficult and interesting student years. In the midst of a wonderful nature, advisors and representatives of student organizations also exchanged views with the first-year students and agreed that they would further interact with each other. It is known that a relationship that begins in such an interesting and touching situation will remain in the memory of a person for life.