Главная Кафедры Economics and business Новости кафедры Assessment of the effectiveness and cost of an innovative project
9 november 2023                  563
Assessment of the effectiveness and cost of an innovative project

On November 9, 2023, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Business Tleuzhanova Manatzhan Ashimkulovna held an open lesson on the discipline "Innovative Economics" on the topic: "Evaluation of the effectiveness and cost of an innovative project".

The purpose of the open lesson is the exchange of experience and demonstration of advanced forms and methods of the educational process, presentation to students of methods of effectiveness and cost of innovative projects. Determination of the economic value of applying the NPV,IRR,PV calculation formula for the innovation process.

The open classes were attended by the teaching staff of the department, heads of departments of the university, and students of study groups - IITE-21-1r, IITE-22-1r.