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07 March 2024                  122
The week of the Department of " Social and Humanitarian Disciplines and World Languages": lesson of the Academic Writing Club was held

On March 7, 2024, Associate Professor of the Department of "Social and Humanitarian Disciplines and World Languages" Tsyrenzhapova G.G. held a meeting of the Academic Writing Club. The topic "Statements" was offered to the attention of the 1st year students.

First of all, Galina Gomboevna revealed the content of such concepts as "statement" or "thesis", "conceptual statement", "practical statement" told how to formulate a statement using a specific language and specific logic.

Next, the students were tasked with learning how to clearly formulate a statement that contains an answer to a research question and is the key idea of the study. For this purpose, an article by Korotkina "Text as a contribution to scientific discussion" was proposed for study and analysis: what is a "focus"?" in which the author considers several options for sequential adjustment of the statement.

The practical application of knowledge on the studied topic was fixed on the materials of articles published in the Bulletin of KarSU (Economics series). The students had to find abstracts in scientific articles by Kazakhstani scientists and evaluate them from the reader`s point of view. The answers of students from all project groups turned out to be correct. 

Alina Nabi, a second-year student of the Marketing specialty spoke at the lesson as a motivating example of mastering academic writing skills. In her presentation, she shared the experience of Club members Kubytaeva F.,Omar A.,Nabi A.,Mukhitova T. in writing and preparing for publication the article "MITU: the path to a new quality of education".