Главная Кафедры Social and humanitarian disciplines and world languages Новости кафедры LANGUAGE - FATE – HISTORY
05 September 2024                  505

       On September 5, 2024, the Day of the Languages ​​of the People of Kazakhstan was celebrated at the International Engineering Technological University located on the slopes of Alatau in Almaty.

       Among the first-year students who entered the University for the first time this year, an intellectual competition "Syr Sandyk" was held within the framework of the event "Language – Fate – History", organized by teachers of the Kazakh language of the Department "Social and humanitarian disciplines and world languages".

       The event was held in order to implement the concept of development of the language policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023-2029, to celebrate the Day of the Languages ​​of the People of Kazakhstan and the birthday of national teacher Ahmet Baitursynuly among university students, to encourage students to learn the state language.

      The meeting hall where the competition was held was decorated with proverbs about the mother tongue of great personalities, and video materials accompanied by songs were shown.

     The curtain of the intellectual competition was opened with the opening speech of M. Iglikovna and continued with a festive congratulatory speech by the head of the library of our university Z. S. Makhambetova.

      Students of the groups "Kyran" and "Arlan", who took an active part in the intellectual competition, answered various questions about the history, literature and culture of our people, showed that they are a promising, well-formed person. During the group competition, poems about the language were read, and a patriotic song was performed.

     Summing up the results of the competition, associate professor of the Department, candidate of historical sciences A. T. Akhmetzhanova shared her thoughts on the status of the state language, the advantages of mastering the Kazakh language, the formation of a sense of patriotism, respect for the history and culture of Kazakhstan.

     By the decision of the jury, the number of points was determined, and the group "Kyran" became the winner. In order to encourage students who participated in the competition, the organizers presented the book "Kazakh Khans" to the leader of the winning group.