Главная Кафедры Smart technologies in engineering Новости кафедры "Huawei ICT Competition 2024": Huawei held a Roadshow at METU.
10 October 2024                  152
"Huawei ICT Competition 2024": Huawei held a Roadshow at METU.

On October 9, 2024, the Huawei Roadshow was held at METU, where Huawei representatives held a specialized seminar. During the seminar, they talked about the history of brand creation, the main directions of development, as well as about the ICT Academy.

Huawei ICT Academy is an international program of cooperation in the field of education, which the company implements together with leading universities of the world for deeper education of students in the field of information and communication technologies. To date, ICT Academies have been opened in 82 countries with a total of more than 1,500 educational ecosystems, which have graduated over 125,000 highly qualified and in-demand specialists.

Huawei ICT Academy also operates within the walls of our university, where certified instructors of the Department of Smart Technology in Engineering Tolegenova A.A. and Ashirbekov B.A. conduct classes.

In order to motivate students, the company annually holds the Huawei ICT Competition international competition. The competition is aimed at identifying and supporting talented students who can make a significant contribution to the digital development of their countries.

Every year, more than 170 thousand participants from two thousand higher educational institutions participate in this grandiose competition.

The finalists of the competition will be invited by China to participate in the global finals after the national and regional competitions.

During the seminar, our students also registered for this competition. We wish them good luck and victory in all their endeavors!