Главная Новости Mutual attendance of academic classes at the IETU
11 October 2024                  111
Mutual attendance of academic classes at the IETU

One of the requirements for the quality system of education at IETU is the availability of mechanisms for checking the skills and knowledge of the teaching staff. For internal quality management, the university administration and colleagues attend classes on a regular basis.

The main purpose of mutual visits to classes is to monitor the implementation of educational programs, forms of teaching, quality control of classes, assessment of teachers` activities and professional development, familiarization with new educational technologies and their introduction into the educational process.

 Thanks to the pedagogical analysis of training sessions, it is possible to determine the most important and urgent tasks of the development and implementation of the educational process.

The analysis and evaluation of mutual visits to training sessions allows us to conclude that IETU teachers, in the context of the transition to new forms of education and the organization of the educational process, introduce active technologies and methods, demonstrate and disseminate their pedagogical experience, improve pedagogical skills, introduce innovative forms and methods to improve educational, educational, educational, scientific andresearch activities.