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17 October 2024                  184
Метафора оқыту әдісі ретінде

In the Club of Academic Writing (head Tsyrenzhapova G.G., associate professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines and World Languages), 1st year students of the Kazakh department were asked to conduct a structural analysis of the essay using the metaphor "text like a hamburger".

Due to a certain non-standard nature, the task aroused the keen interest of the students. In their presentations and essays, students, through vivid and unexpected connections between the text and the hamburger, easily and quite visually revealed a rather complex topic of the structural and semantic content of the academic text. In addition, we concluded that this hamburger model has a universal character and can be successfully used as a feedback technique, which, for example, contributes to improving work and relationships in a team, positive communication on social networks.

Thus, the use of metaphor as a teaching method contributed to the activation of cognitive activity, the awakening of creative imagination resources, and an increase in the level of emotional involvement of students in the process of acquiring knowledge and skills.

As a rule, such types of active learning, due to their brightness, plot and imagery, activate mental activity, increase the effectiveness of learning and are remembered by students.