Главная Новости "CONNECTED-2024: Reimagining the Future" International conference
23 October 2024                  2143
"CONNECTED-2024: Reimagining the Future" International conference

The international conference "CONNECTED-2024: Reimagining the Future", held in Astana on October 17-18, 2024. It was attended by about 1.5 thousand delegates from more than 20 countries, including over 100 well-known scientists and representatives of the best universities in the world. Our Rector Gulnara Alibekovna Sarsenbekova represented at this significant event one of the leading universities in Kazakhstan - METU. 

The conference resulted in an extended meeting of the Rector`s office, where participants discussed educational and scientific goals related to advancement of new technologies and teaching methods. Consequently, there was established the Roadmap titled "Development of Artificial Intelligence and Digitalization of Scientific and Educational Process".

Education and research systems need to be adaptable to new technologies and methods, necessitating curriculum review to incorporate courses in artificial intelligence, ChatGPT programming, data analysis, and other contemporary subjects.

Additionally, it is crucial to implement hybrid learning that merges online and in-person formats, enabling students to study at their convenience and fostering self-directed learning skills. The integration of AI will also enhance scientific research by expediting data analysis and creating new opportunities.

However, it is essential to remember the social dimension of education, emphasizing the need to address global issues such as climate change, poverty, and inequality.

As Swiss futurist, humanist, and author of the book “Technology Against Man” Gerd Leonhard stated during the conference, "In the upcoming AI era, we will be valued not for our ability to control technology or become faster with it, but for our androrhythms - our unique human skills and qualities."