Главная Новости As part of the Republican campaign" Taza Kazakhstan "in the park" Alatau " on 19.10.2024, a city Subbotnik was held.
21 October 2024                  1797
As part of the Republican campaign" Taza Kazakhstan "in the park" Alatau " on 19.10.2024, a city Subbotnik was held.

As part of the Republican campaign" Taza Kazakhstan "in the park" Alatau " on 19.10.2024, a city Subbotnik was held. Active students of Mitu University took an active part in the action, helping to clean the territory of the park, collect garbage and plant trees.In order to increase responsibility for Nature, students united with the population and conducted environmental education. During the event, various environmental games and seminars were organized, which encouraged young people to form an ecological culture.This Subbotnik was important not only for cleaning nature, but also for promoting ecological culture in society, increasing the activity of young people. Through such actions, young people develop a sense of love for nature and responsibility.