Главная Новости The «METU Best Young Researcher» competition has been announced
31 January 2025                  1047
The «METU Best Young Researcher» competition has been announced

The Department of Scientific and Innovation Activities of METU announces the launch of the competition «The Best Young Researcher of METU»!

Applications for the Competition, which aims to support talented young researchers, develop their scientific potential, and popularize scientific achievements, have been open since February 1, 2025.

The Competition is held in the following nominations: «Best Young Researcher Among Undergraduate Students»«Best Young Researcher Among Master`s Students», and «Best Young Researcher Among PhD Students» in the following scientific areas:

-        Engineering and Technology;

-        Social Sciences and Humanities;

-        Interdisciplinary Studies.

Participant Requirements:

- Undergraduate, Master`s, and PhD students of METU

- Participants must be under 40 years old

- Active researchers with achievements over the past 5 years

How to apply?

All documents are accepted in electronic form (PDF) to e-mail: m.kuatova@metu.kz

The winners will receive diplomas, cash prizes, and recognition from the scientific community!

Detailed information about the competition and evaluation criteria is available in the Regulations.

Follow the updates on the official METU website.