METU has successfully completed a scientific project to develop new
methods for the selective extraction and separation of rare earth metals. The technologies
developed will help make raw material processing more efficient,
environmentally friendly, and economically viable.
A team of young researchers from the Department of «Biochemical Engineering», led by PhD Kondaurov R.G., has developed innovative sorption materials and methods enabling high-selectivity extraction of rare earth metals.
This technology could be in demand at hydrometallurgical and mining enterprises in Kazakhstan (such as NAC «Kazatomprom» and others). It is crucial for processing plants because it reduces the loss of valuable elements during ore extraction and processing, minimizes toxic reagents, makes the process safer for the environment, and decreases dependence on imported technologies.
Currently, young scientists at METU are working on preparing new commercialization applications
to test the technology under actual production conditions. Negotiations are
underway with potential partners among Kazakhstan’s
subsoil users to conduct pilot trials.
METU is open to collaboration and invites enterprises to join efforts to implement new technologies in Kazakhstan’s metallurgical industry!
*** The project was implemented with the support of the
Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.