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20 feburary 2020                  319103
Literary evening dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayev.
On February 19, 2020, Kazakhstan engineering and technology University hosted a literary evening dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbay.

The whole of Kazakhstan is celebrating the 175th anniversary of the great poet and thinker Abay Kunanbayev. So, a concert dedicated to the work of the great Kazakh Poet Abay Kunanbayev was held in the walls of Kazitu on February 19, 2020. The concert was organized by students 1 and 2 courses of the University, under rukowodstwo teachers of the Department "SRS" Abdusalamova R. S. and Abdyldaeva C. S. Students prepared an interesting and rich concert program. The festive concert was opened by 1st year students of Erdos aydana, Tursynaly Shyryn, Sarbasova Akzhunis, Serikova Aruzhan with traditional Kazakh dance.

Then the presenters gave a solemn speech to the rector of Kazit Sarsenbekova G. A., who in her speech emphasized the great legacy of Abay Kunanbayev.

The concert program was attended by first-year students Tasymova Alua, Esmurzaev Alimzhan, Meirbek Zhanerke, Yermekbay Asankhan, Azymbay Kanat, Nugmanova Diana, Khamilov Anayat who performed songs based on Abay Kunanbayev's poems. the number in which students recited the words-edification of the great poet was also interesting.

one of the "Pisek" concert was an interactive quiz with the audience, which was conducted by the presenters of the concert Seitenova Gulzada and Eresby Temirlan to answer leading questions, got sweet prizes Deserves special attention the performance of the student of 1 course of Tursynuly Shyryn, who read verses of own composition devoted to works of Abay Kunanbaev.

The concert culminated with a scene about the love of Abay and togzhan, played by students Kynyaz Azamat and Talgatkyzy Madina

The concert dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayev turned out to be interesting and memorable.