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27 june 2020                  318887
My college and my profession

Like many other young people after leaving school I had such question in front of me: Which profession to choose for my future and what educational institution to enter?

My college and my profession

I came to college KazETU in 2017 and I remember everything clearly: I was very warmly welcomed at the selection committee. I could chose my profession when I was sitting there thanks to experienced teachers until that time I knew nothing about such a specialty as a technologist in catering. I was introduced to the short course of things what this activity is and in principle then everything suited me. And although completely unfamiliar people helped me with the choice now I don't regret about my choice.
We quickly found a common language with groupmates and teachers and most importantly we were taught from scratch, which means working in catering establishments. The work of the technologist is stressful, but interesting and has not lost its relevance for several decades now. In the classroom we had a lot of specialized subjects. We must be able to determine the quality of the dishes made evaluate them according to organoleptic characteristics accurately calculate the grams of products for the right number of servings; we require maximum cleanliness, speed comparable with the quality of the manufactured goods and of course last but not least, the right clothes. Work in the kitchen is difficult both physically and morally but all this is offset by its promise, relevance and amusement. Technologists must also have a deep creativity and imagination as the activity includes the ability to come up with their own and unique recipes among other responsibilities such as maintaining the necessary documentation and accounting for equipment, raw materials and finished products or preparing food technological maps. The versatility of this profession at first can unsettle an unprepared person but we withstood the load and realized the full complexity of the work as a technologist in full thanks to timely support and assistance from teachers. In addition to the direct duties of a technologist we were also taught the art of serving guests, the proper decoration of furniture inside catering establishments and table setting.
Yes, the process of preparing for the specialty of a technologist at catering enterprises was full of difficulties but now I can say with confidence that it was worth it. Despite the severity of my chosen profession I am sure that my work in the future will bring me as much pleasure as it did during training.

Aitmurzaeva Meruert Daniyarovna, graduater of the specialty 1226000 - Technology and organization of production of food enterprises College KazETU