Главная Новости Athletics competitions were held among students
12 october 2020                  318991
Athletics competitions were held among students

In order to master the technique of running at short distances in athletics in the Ontustik park near the KazETU college, the teacher of physical culture Aset Aizhamal Seydakhmetovna took a test from the students.

Madi Yerasyl, Sarsenbai Diaz, Bekbolatuly Ayan, Zhantasuly Zharylkasyn took part in the test in compliance with sanitary requirements.

As a result of the test:

          - Bekbolatuly Ayan 30 meters-4.13 seconds, 12.54 seconds per 100 meters

          - Sarsenbai Diaz at 30 meters - 4.20 seconds, at 100 meters - 13.58 seconds

          - Madi Yerasyl at 30 meters - 5.40 seconds, at 100 meters - 14.45 seconds

          - Zhantasuly Zharylkasyn ran 30 meters - 5.55 seconds, 100 meters - 16.28 seconds.